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"mama" Mason raises his arms making Ariana pick him up. "mama is going on stage in a few hours are going to be a good boy for daddy" Ariana asks and Mason nods snuggling into her.

Jake comes out and looks at them both. "daddy" Ellie takes his hand "hi baby how was playing with Brian and Scott" Jake asks "good but they told me to come find you because they needed to go and do something" Ellie smiles.

Jake walks over to Ariana and Ariana smiles. "whys this cutie lead on the stage" Jake asks "because Mason wanted to be out her and theres no one here so i didnt mind" she smiles Jake looks to Mason who was pushing his train around.

"you excited" Jake asks "i miss my boy" Ariana pouts "you were the one that offered him to your mum not me" Jake chuckles "i know it just feels so weird" she giggles "it will be good for you to get a good night sleep though" Jake says "yeah but then my mum is having to get up with Kyle" she sighs "stop panicking" he chuckles.

"Ellie" Mason says "yes baby bro" Ellie asks "i need wee" he jumps. Ellie stands up putting her mums phone in her pocket and taking her baby brother to the toilet. "you need help" Ellie asks and Mason nods. Ellie undoes his pants and helps him on to the toilet.

Ellie lifts him up so he could wash his hands before they walked back to the dressing room. "where did you two go" Jake asks "Mason needed to pee so i took him" Ellie says "good girl" he smiles as Mason climbs over him.

"was you big boy and go toilet" Jake smiles and he nods. "your getting so big" he smiles kissing his head. "love you" he smiles "love you too" Jake smiles.

"come on lets go for a walk" Jake says "i dont want to come can i stay here" Ellie asks "of course you can" Jake smiles "ask one of the workers if you need anything they will probably direct you to mummy" Jake adds and she nods.

Jake places Mason down and Mason runs off making Jake follow him. Mason liked to explore so this was the exact reason Jake was taking him on a walk around the arena.

Mason pushes a door open making Jake groan since he crowd were there. "Mason" Jake says holding out his hand since he didn't want him being grabbed.

Mason raised his arms and Jake picks him up. "come on lets get out of this crowd" he suggests and Mason nods "should we go find mummy" Jake asks smiling at him and Mason nods with a huge smile bouncing in his arms.

The security guard opened the door and Jake placed Mason down letting him walk again. Mason spotted Ariana and ran straight for her. "where did you go" Ariana asks "walk" Mason smiles giving her a hug.

Ariana falls onto the bed as They had put the sleepy kids to bed after her concert which was pretty good. Jake comes in and smiles at his girl who stood up jumping into his arms. "you just ripped your dresses" he chuckles "oh well" she giggles kissing his lips.

Ariana stood down and Jake pulled the dress over her head. "you need to express some milk" Jake says sitting her down. Ariana grabs the pump and lent against the back of the bed.

"what are you wanting to wear" he asks "just a top and shorts will do" she sighs and he nods going to her draw and getting some clothes out of her before getting changed himself.

Ariana walks down and puts them in the fridge before running back up "you know we have other people living in this house right" Jake asks and Ariana nods putting on some clothes.

Ariana crawls into bed next to Jake and snuggled into him. "after these night feeds we need a new bed" Ariana yawns "okay princess" he frowns since he didn't want her being uncomfortable  in bed.

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