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Ariana holds her stomach as her baby kicked. "Jake" Ariana shakes him. "What's the matter beautiful" Jake Asks making Ariana take Jakes hand and place it on her stomach. The baby kicks "omg" Jake smiles "our baby's active" Jake smiles and Ariana nods.

"Did the baby wake you up" Jake asks "no I needed the toilet well the baby was pressing against my bladder so I went to the toilet got back in bed and then the baby kicked" Ariana smiles "come on then let's get back to sleep" he smiles helping her lie down.

Ariana snuggles into him. "Good night baby" he kisses her head before falling asleep.

"Good morning baby" Jake smiles kissing Ariana's lips "Morning" Ariana smiles. Jake lifts up Ariana's top and bends down. "Good morning To my little baby" Jake pecks her stomach making Ariana's heart burst with joy.

"I love you daddy" Ariana smiles before hearing Hayley spit her drink out. Ariana and Jake both turn to look at her. "Sorry" Hayley says wiping up get mess. "She wasn't being kinky" Jake states making Ariana laugh.

Ariana pecks Jakes lips before making her self some breakfast. "Baby do you want something" Ariana Asks "What you offering" Jake Asks sorting his work suit. "I don't know" Ariana pouts making Jake chuckle and walk over to her.

He kisses her pouty lips before grabbing an apple. "I'll be fine" Jake smiles "okay I love you" Ariana replies "I love you too have a good resting day please" He asks and Ariana nods.

When Jake left Ariana grabs her stomach. "Are you okay" Hayley Asks "yeah the baby's just kicking my bladder and I need a wee" Ariana says walking off to the toilet.

"Why did Jake ignore me" Hayley says "I'm on the fucking toilet" Ariana groans "and probably if you just messaged him to say the baby kicked making me need a wee" Ariana says standing up and washing her hands.

Ariana walks past her finishing her breakfast. Ariana messages Jake.

A: why do I have your sister?
J: I don't know. Call my mum if you don't want her xx

Ariana groans grabbing her stuff and heading up to her room and sitting on the bed. She lies her self down falling asleep.

Jake walks through the front door and Hayley smiles "Where's Ariana" Jake Asks "I don't know she's been gone all day she in the house though" Hayley says making Jake go up to the bedroom.

"Hey" Ariana smiles "hey" Jake smiles walking over to her kissing her lips. "Did you stay in bed all day because of her" Jake Asks "no I didn't feel that good before so I came and slept" Ariana tells him honestly.

"Shh it's okay I'm here now do you need anything" he asks "no I think I'm okay." ariana smiles kissing his lips.

"Do you want me to get my mum to pick Hayley up" Jake Asks "please" Ariana Asks and he nods getting his phone and texting his mum.

"I love you so much" Ariana smiles "I love you too more than you would know" Jake smiles picking her up. Ariana snuggles into him. "Your so bloody cute" he smiles carrying her downstairs.

"My god you got here fast" Jake says making Ariana pull her head out of his neck. "How you feeling sweetheart" Sam Asks "tired" Ariana replies. "Is he keeping you awake" Sam Asks and Ariana shakes her head.

"Come on Hayley" Sam says "fine" Hayley stands up and leaves with Sam.

Ariana snuggles back into Jake making him smile. "Your ever so cute" he smiles carrying her to the kitchen and getting a drink for him. "You want one princess" he asks and Ariana nods.

Jake grabs her one and hands it to her before taking her to the couch. He sits down with her rubbing her stomach.

"I'm hungry" Ariana says "and what would you like" Jake Asks "dominoes" Ariana asks and Jake nods ordering on the phone for them both.

Ariana puts on the tv and grabs the blanket.

Jake went and got the door while Ariana scrolled through something to watch. Ariana takes the pizza box and opened it up. "I'm surprised your not being sick" Jake says making Ariana giggle tucking in.

"I want it" Ariana whines taking the drink. "Can we not share" he asks as Ariana drinks it. "Fine" she hands it to him letting him have a bit.

Ariana puts her box on the side and snuggles into Jake. "Your ever so cute" he smiles rubbing her back. "I know you tell me everyday" she smiles.

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