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"Baby will you come with me" Ariana asks "yeah but where" Jake asks kissing Ellies head before standing up. "To see if I'm ready for a baby" Ariana mumbles "of course I will but Ellie will be with us too" Jake says "I know. I feel like it could cheer her up a little bit" Ariana shrugs "what you have a baby" he asks and Ariana nods leaning up to kiss his lips. "Im so glad I fell in love with you and not my ex" he responds wrapping his arms around her. "Im so glad you fell in love with me too" Ariana mumbles against his lips.

Ariana pulls away and Ellie giggles making them both look to her. "What you giggling at" Ariana asks walking over to her. "You and daddy are so funny" Ellie giggles "oh are we" Jake asks tickling her stomach.

"Come on mummy has an appointment so we need to get you changed" Ariana says getting her free from her dads tickling. Ellie giggles running up the stairs.

"Anything you want to wear baby" Ariana asks "cute" Ellie says sitting on her bed. Ariana chuckles looking through her clothes and picking out a cute outfit. That wasn't too much it made her look scruffy.

"Mummy" Ellie asks sitting on Jakes knee. "Yes baby" Ariana looks to her while she was being checked. "Is that wired" Ellie asks making Ariana chuckle. "No not really" Ariana says "but only da-." Jake covers her mouth. Ariana look at her and Ellie hides into Jakes jumper.

"Your all good Ariana" the nurse smiles "thank you" Ariana smiles sitting up before they all leave and get into the car. "Would you like me in the back with you" Ariana chuckles and Ellie nods making Ariana climb through.

"I thought daddy only looked at you when your naked. He did that last night" Ellie says confused "daddy need to stop looking at mummy when shes naked" Ariana says "so daddy was naughty" Ellie asks "yes daddy was naughty" Ariana says making Ellie giggle.

"Im naughty now am I" Jake asks twirling Ariana around. "You are" Ariana giggles "so now you can't have a baby" Jake says "no baby" Ariana says hugging him. "Your not naughty" Ariana says "good because I want to add a little one to our family" Jake smiles rubbing Ariana's empty stomach making Ariana's heart burst "me too" Ariana leans up to kiss his lips before pulling away "baby making has to wait we have a little girl at home" Ariana says turning around and going to find Ellie.

"What you din beautiful" Ariana asks "making daddy something" Ellie says carrying on looking at her piece of paper. "Okay" Ariana smiles at her little girl before walking back to Jake.

"What she doing" Jake asks resting his hand on her stomach "making you something" Ariana smiles kissing his lips.

"Daddy look" Ellie runs to them showing them the picture "beautiful princess" Jake smiles taking the drawing. "I'll add it to my collection"  he smiles making Ellie smile and climb next to him. "I love you daddy" Ellie kisses his cheek "and i love you mummy" she smiles kissing her lips "we both love you so very much" Ariana smiles. "Can we watch tangled" Ellie asks and Ariana nods putting it on the tv for her.

Ariana grabs the iPad and began to look at home schooling. Since she needed to home school Ellie. She could feel Jake on her Shoulder so she looked to him. "Why don't you go and have a nap baby" Ariana looks to him "me not tired" Ellie whines making Ariana chuckle "not you" Ariana tickles her. "An hour tops" he looks to Ariana who nods her head moving slightly so he could stand up.

"Mummy what you doing" Ellie asks "buying you some school stuff" Ariana smiles "no school" Ellie shakes her head "baby you have to do school just you do it at home instead of in a real school" Ariana says "oh okay" Ellie sits back down watching her movie.

"I feel disgusting" Ariana moans "thanks" Jake pouts hugging her naked body. "Nooo you made me feel good but now i'm hot and sweaty and wont be able to sleep and I want to" Ariana whines making Jake pick her up and take her to the bathroom and sit her on the toilet and run the bath. "Its 12 Jake" Ariana giggles "and my baby wants to he clean so we bath together" he smiles making sure its not too hot before climbing in with her. "Its a good job I know you look out for me and just want the best" Ariana smiles kissing his soft lips. "Of course I want the best. Plus you need your sleep you start rehearsals soon" he washes her body "you need your hair washing" he asks "no I did that this morning" Ariana smiles and Jake nods making sure they were both clean after 15 minutes of cuddle time before they got dry and went to sleep.

Ariana and Jake both woke up to a gasp. They both look up and see Ellie giggling at them. "What" Ariana asks smiling at her. "Daddy is looking at your naked" she laughs "he is but its okay" Ariana smiles picking up a top and putting it over her head.

"Oh so Mummy's and daddy's can look at each other naked" Ellie asks "yes" Jake shuts her up. "Oh okay" she smiles snuggling into them both.

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