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Ariana walks through her front door after a lovely Christmas away. "Baby she wants you" Jake says "okay" Ariana takes her little girl. "Mama love you my little girl" Ariana kisses her head as she cuddled into her.

"Mamas girl" Jake smiles stroking his girls cheek.

"Baby" Ariana croaks from the toilet. Jake hears her cry for her and he gets off the bed. "Baby stay still" Jake says helping her to the toilet so she wouldn't be sick on the floor.

"Did did we use pro protection" Ariana sniffs "we did baby we did" Jake tells her making her cry even more. He gives her a sad look. She hated being sick.

"Do you want to take a test just in case" Jake asks rubbing her back and she nods. Jake grabs on for her and helps her onto the toilet. Ariana pees on the stick before handing it back to Jake and he put the cap on.

"I feel horrible" Ariana looks up to him. "Lets get you clean okay" he suggests running her a bath not caring what time it was.

"Sorry to bother you but Ellie was crying. You want me to give her a bottle and put her back to bed." Hayley asks seeing Jake focused on Ariana. "Baby will you be okay there" Jake asks and Ariana nods.

"I would have let you but Ellie id a little difficult to get to sleep if it isn't me or Ariana" He tells Hayley and she nods going to sit with a sick Ariana.

Jake comes back a few minuted later and helps Ariana into the bath. He looks at the test. "Am i" Ariana asks and he shakes his head. Ariana lets out a sigh in relief.

He helps her wash before helping her into bed. "Your really not doing well with your health lately" Jake pouts climbing in next to her. "Im not. Hopefully My luck will get better" she giggles making him nod kissing his head and rubbing smooth circles on her back.

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