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"Jake" Ariana shakes him. "what" He whines her sigh "there's someone knocking on the door and it's 3am" Ariana says making Jake open his eyes and get off the bed. Ariana follows behind him since she wanted to know what was going on. "Officer" he asks opening the door. "Sorry to disturb you but we have a missing child still missing and we saw something Come this way" he explains "we have been asleep" Jake says hugging Ariana who had wrapped her self around him. "I mean we have CCTV that you could look at" Ariana says and the officer nods.

"MUMMY I WANT MUMMY" Ellie screams making Ariana pull away from Jake and go and get her baby girl. "Shh mummy has you" Ariana rubs her back carrying her down the stairs. "You want a drink" Ariana asks and Ellie nods. "Ellie sweetheart I need to put you down to be able to get you a drink" Ariana sighs making Ellie go to her feet. "Now why are you awake screaming for me" Ariana asks "because I had a scary dream mummy" she sniffs "okay princess lets calm down okay and help daddy out" Ariana says placing her on the counter.

"You really dont know how to work my security system" Ariana rolls her eyes taking the laptop and getting it up for them. "Did you go into my room baby girl" Ariana asks and Ellie nods "Mason was sleeping" she smiles making Ariana nod.

"Does daddy get a hug" Jake asks "nooo Mummy was the one who was getting killed in my dream not daddy" Ellie pouts "Ellie give you dad a hug please" Ariana rolls her eyes making Ellie give Jake a hug. "Here so where did she go" the officer points to the girl. "Can we look around" he looks up. "No" Jake says "Jake" Ariana slaps him "of course you can" Ariana smiles "but I'm sick and want to go to bed" he whines hugging Ariana "and there is a kid there trying to find" Ariana says kissing Ellies head before taking her up to bed.

"Night my baby" Ariana smiles "good night mummy" she yawns closing her eyes holding her teddy bear close to her.

Ariana walks out and hugs Jake. "Thank you sorry for the hassle" the officer says leaving making Ariana lock the door and head up to bed with Jake. Jake climbs into bed and Ariana climbs next to him cuddling into him. "I love you my girl" Jake kisses her head making her smile falling to sleep.

Jake woke up and looked to Ariana who was still cuddled into him with a smile on her face. Her cute adorable sleeping face that he loved to see. He could sit there all day and look at her sleeping.

He gently slips his hand under her teeshirt and tickles her back. This only made her cuddle into him even more. He smiles lightly Joan creeps into the room and smiles as she sees Jake was awake. "Can I take the kids for the day" she asks "sure. If there awake" Jake smiles. "Well Mason is here and Ellie is on the iPad. So ill get them dressed and give you two some time together" Joan says and Jake nods.

He closes his eyes again since he didn't need to get out of bed but was woken up a few hours later by Ariana ruffling his hair. "Good afternoon" he smiles "wait what" Ariana asks grabbing her photo to look at the time. "Your mum came this morning and took the kids for the day" Jake says making Ariana nod and snuggle into him.

"what we doing sleeping all day we need something to eat" Jake tell her kissing her head. "Why don't we order takeaway" Ariana yawns "I think we should book a holiday just me and you" Jake says grabbing his phone to order them food. "I mean I would love to since our honey moon didn't go to plan but isn't Mason too young." She looks up to him. "I mean maybe when Mason sleeps through but I would hate our family to get up to our boy" Ariana says "I expected you to disagree all together" Jake chuckles. "I mean I want time away together. Away from normal life not having the kids for the day isn't really thats" she says resting her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you my princess" he smiles playing with her hair. "I thought i was your queen" Ariana says giggling "you are but calling you princess sounds better" he says making Ariana nod kissing his lips before going off to the toilet.

"when do we get them back I miss them" Ariana pouts "you know she will bring them home soon Ariana, she only said the day not night too" he pecks her head. "But I haven't seen my baby boy since 5am" she pouts making him chuckle and smiles at her.

"Your defiantly not going to enjoy a holiday" he chuckles "no baby I will just I know then that I'm on holiday and I'll get to say goodbye" she pouts.

"MUMMY" Ellie screams running into her arms. "Happy now" Jake asks and Ariana nods hugging her baby girl. "Mummy wants a cuddle of Mason" Ariana smiles as Joan hands her him.

"Hey my boy mummy misses you" Ariana coos as he smiles up to her. "He's growing so big" Jake says "I know" Ariana pouts. "How is he at sleeping" Joan asks "we got him to sleep through and then with him being sick he didn't so we have to get her back to sleep through." Ariana smiles lifting up her top.

"How has he been with bottles through the day" Jake asks noticing Ariana going off into her own little world. "He's been fussy but he's had at least 2 full bottles and then a little sips" Joan says "yeah he likes his mamas boob too much" Jake says giving Ellie a hug.

Joan left leave them all alone. "Ariana don't move he's been sick" Jake says making him grab a wipe and wipe her backs "at least I'm only in pyjamas" she giggles patting his back still.

"I hope he doesn't get sick again" Jake pouts taking him for a cuddle. "Maybe we should put him in his own room so he can't hear us" Ariana says "that may be a good idea" he smiles letting her go and get changed.

"Daddy" Ellie smiles "yes baby" he asks "can we have a movie night tonight" she asks "Ill have to ask mummy but I'm sure we can do that" he smiles letting her cuddle into his side.

"That is so cute" Ariana smiles coming back in. Grabbing her phone and taking a photo before cuddling next to them. "Ellie wants movie night" Jake says "we can do that"

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