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"Ari" Jake says "yes" she mumbles in her sleep. "wake up" he chuckles making her open her eyes. "happy birthday" he smiles "what time is it" Ariana yawns "9am" Jake says "are the kids awake" she asks "yes they are" he smiles kissing his sleepy wife's lips.

Ariana climbs off the bed and pulls down her shorts before walking downstairs. "Happy birthday mummy" Ellie smiles running over to her "thank you baby" Ariana smiles picking her up. Ellie smiles kissing her lips before Ariana carried her to the sofa and sat down.

"so what have you and daddy done this morning" Ariana asks "we watched tv and I did school for half an hour" Ellie smiles. "sounds boring" Ariana sticks her tongue out making her pout. "presents" Jake smiles coming out "ugh you guys didn't have to" Ariana takes the bag "my presents come later" he kisses her head. "so these are off Ellie and Mason" Ariana asks and Jake nods.

Ariana opens a necklace which has Ellie and Masons name on it with a matching bracelet. "omg this is so cute" Ariana smiles kissing Ellies cheek. "mama" Mason smiles making Ariana smile and place him on her knee. "i love you both so much" Ariana kisses both there heads. The next present consisted of a photo frame with memories of Ariana and Ellie together and then another frame with Ariana and Mason together. "these are so cute Ive never seen some of these photos before" Ariana says "daddy" Ellie covers her mouth "its okay Ellie" Ariana chuckles. "daddy has a lot of photos of me i probably don't realise he has" Ariana smile to her.

After Ariana had opened the presents she cuddled with her children on the sofa since thats what her kids wanted to do she was more than happy to do it. 

"Ellie princess can I borrow you" Jake asks and Ellie nods running over to him tripping up making Jake catch her. "thank you daddy" Ellie giggles taking his hand. Jake takes her up to his room. "I want you to go and get changed i to this" Jake asks "but daddy I told you it was itchy" she pouts "i know sweetheart but for 5-10 minutes and then you can take it off" Jake says "okay" Ellie nods getting changed with the help of Jake.

"now go give mummy this" he smiles walking behind bed. "hi princess" Ariana smiles "mummy happy birthday" Ellie smiles handing her the envelope. "daddy can I get changed now" Ellie asks and Jake nods making Ellie strip there and then. "Im sorry baby I would have gone and got you a new one but I was hurt so i couldnt" Jake tells her putting on her other clothes.

"were going to Disney" Ariana asks and Jake nods. "we are packed and ready to go" he smiles "baby" she says walking over to him and kissing his lips. "so go get changed you can have a shower when we arrive" he says making Ariana nod. "no no no no no" Ariana rushes over to Mason moving him out of the way. "you know thats naughty so stop doing it" she says making him pout and cuddle into her.
Ariana takes Mason up to get changed with her since he liked to follow Ariana a lot around the house more than he did with Jake since Jake moved to fast and never really stood still.

Ariana got changed picking up her son and resting him on her hip while he cuddled into her. "you sleepy" Ariana asks and he shakes his head making her nod. "you ready" Jake asks "I think so" Ariana says "I don't like the fact I have no clue what you have packed" Ariana pouts "I know and i've chosen what your wearing too" he chuckles "oh god" she rolls her eyes putting Mason in his car seat and tiling it so since he would fall asleep.

"How did you get away with this im so nosey" Ariana asks "it was the hardest thing to do" Jake says driving off. "and I knew we needed a family holiday so your birthday was a good excuse" he smiles making her nod.

"i don't mind getting Ellie" Ariana says "no ill be fine" Jake says making Ariana nod gently picking up Mason "shh shh its okay mummy is here" Ariana coos gently "ill come back out for the stuff we should just get these two to bed" Jake says and Ariana nods. Jake felt bad because they spent most of her birthday stuck in a car but Ariana couldn't care less because she was away with her family.

Ariana unlocks the door and Jake walks in. "you even got them to decorate the room" Ariana gasps and Jake nods. walking to room which has a single an a cot in.

"im going to get the bags" Jake kisses Ariana's lips. "okay take the key" Ariana smiles shutting the door and taking off her shoes.

Jake comes through with the bags and smiles at Ariana sat on her phone. "can I open them" she asks "of course" Jake sits down. Ariana pulls the three bags over to them and sits on his knee.

"a new phone case" Ariana smiles at the photo "omg I remember this photo" she says "that was a good day" he smiles "it was" she agreed before opening the rest which was clothes a ring earrings shoes, and some other little things.

"you spoil me" Ariana says "duh your my princess and you spoil me too" Jake says "true"
she kisses his lips.

hw would you feel if i made her pregnant?

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