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"So baby what did you want to talk about?" Jake asks as Ariana sat down. "You were mumbling things in your sleep" Ariana says "okay" he asks concerned. "You mentioned a baby" Ariana says. "I did" he asks and Ariana nods. 

"Do you want a baby" he asks making her shrug. "Ariana baby girl" he pulls her into a hug and rubs her back. "How many kids did you want" he asks "3" she pouts "and your 28 and I'm 28we have time" Jake tells her.

"Come on lets go to bed and Ellie can spend the day at Your mums and me and you can go and do some shopping just me and you and we can spend time together." Jake suggests "that seems okay but only is Ellie wants to go to grandma." Ariana says and Jake nods.

He picks Ariana up making her hold onto him before he takes her up to bed. "I may go to the studio one day this week." Ariana smiles getting changed "that will be good. I mean you should still release stuff your amazing" Jake kisses her head pulling her into bed.

"Baby Ive got to wash my face" Ariana giggles sitting back up. "Hurry up I want cuddles" he pouts making Ariana giggle and walk to the bathroom and wash her face.

"Baby your taking too long" Jake comes into the bathroom. "Beautiful" he chuckles "piss off and let me finish" Ariana pouts. "Fuck you" Ariana whines as Jake takes a photo of her with cream on her face. "Thanks for a nice birthday photo" he smiles "hey why do I get an ugly one this year I want a cute one" she frowns "you'll get a cute one as well  shut up about your birthday its a while away" he says "you brought it up" Ariana wipes her face and turns around to go back to bed.

Jake pulls her into his body. Ariana smiles snuggling into him. "I love you so much remember that" Ariana smiles kissing his lips. "Always" he smiles rubbing her back.

"Mummy why daddy asleep still" Ellie whines "because you only woke me this morning" Ariana chuckles "me want to wake daddy" Ellie giggles "go on then" Ariana smiles and Ellie runs up the stairs.

"Daddy daddy daddy" Ellie jumps on the bed. Jake opens his eyes and pulls his daughter down onto him. "Good morning angel" he smiles kissing her nose. "You missed breakfast" Ellie pouts "did I" Jake gasps and Ellie nods.

"Well then we best go down stairs then shouldn't we" Jake carries her downstairs and smiles at Ariana cleaning up in her shorts and top. "Baby" Ariana pulls her shorts down making him chuckle.

"Ellie says I'm not aloud breakfast is that right" he pouts to his wife. "Ellie" Ariana shakes her head handing him a plate and taking Ellie. "Stop causing trouble" Ariana giggles kissing her cheek.

Ellie giggles in her mums arm and sticks her tongue out at her dad. "Can I have a photo of That for my lock screen its soo cute" Jake asks and Ariana nods.

Ellie kisses her mums lips and Jake smiles "Im glad we have cute kids" Jake smiles "child" Ariana laughs making him nod. "How would you like to go spend the day with grandma." Ariana asks "grandma Joan" Ellie asks and Ariana nods "okay" she smiles and Ariana nods.

"Me sick" Ellie fakes a cough. "Baby girl if you want to stay with me and mummy just say" Jake says and Ellie nods holding her arms out for her dad.

Jake tells her and rubs her back. "Ellie if we give you a choice you say what you want. Its only when we tell you we will make you" Ariana says and Ellie nods taking a strawberry of Jakes plate. "That was daddy's" Jake tickles her. "Sorry" Ellie giggles.

"So since your with us today what do you want to do" Ariana asks "movie day" Ellie cheers. "Sure" Ariana looks to Jake "perfect" he smiles "YAY" Ellie screams sliding down to the floor.

"Your adorable" Ariana smiles taking her hand.

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