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A few months later.
Jake climbs off the bed going into the wardrobe. He picks some stuff up before placing them into a suit case. Ariana opens her eyes and jumps iff the bed wrapping her arms around Jake.

Jake hugs her. "You okay?" Jake asks "I had a bad dream that you left and your packing a bag" Ariana sniffs "I could never leave you, I love you too much" Jake kisses her lips "you've been having a lot of bad dreams about us recently are you okay" Jake asks "I don't know but I love you so much" Ariana says "I know you love me why don't we see someone about it because it could be something your scared about that you don't know of" Jake suggests and Ariana nods.

"I was going to pack your stuff for the holiday but ill let you do that" Jake kisses her head "okay I'm going to give Ellie some breakfast" Ariana smiles standing up and going to get Ellie.

Ellie smiles up to her mum babbling away to herself. "Good morning my cute little angel" Ariana smiles kissing her cheek before taking her downstairs.

Ariana placed her in her chair and clips her in before making her something to eat. Ariana sits down feeding her little girl some porridge. "Hi my little angel" Jake smiles tapping her nose making her giggle.

"Im scared" Ariana hugs Jake. "You have been i therapy for years Ariana this isn't much harder" Jake rubs her back. "Come on lets go inside we have been spotted" he says taking her hand and walking inside with her.

Ariana signs in and sits on Jakes knee. "Everything will be okay right" Ariana asks "shhh stop worrying too much in sure everything will be okay" Jake says.

Ariana gets called so she stood up with Jake and they both went into the room and Ariana sat down. "Okay Ariana what seems to be the problem today" she asks making Ariana take Jakes hand. "Ive been having a lot of nightmares" Ariana pouts looking down a little embarrassed. "Whats involved in these nightmares may I ask" she asks gently. "Jake leaves me" Ariana sniffs.

"Okay when did this start" she asks "a few weeks ago when I got the clear to do anything I wanted" Ariana says "okay" she makes a few notes.

"Can I ask if you have had sex since you had your baby" she asks "no" Ariana says "then it could be that your frustrated with yourself and feel distant from him" she suggests.

"Wait but how does that work why would she be having nightmares because she sexually frustrated" Jake asks keeping Ariana calm. "I dont want to have sex" Ariana sniffs. Jake hugs his wife. "Your a rubbish therapist" Jake says picking up there stuff and leaving.

Ariana sobs into his chest. "Shhh" Jake kisses her head placing her in the car. Jake takes them both home asking Joan to keep Ellie for a little while longer.

Ariana grabs a blanket cuddling into the sofa. Jake looks at her and sighs. He gently walks over to her and bends down. "I really don't feel like me" Ariana sniffs "shhh thats okay your bound to still have down days because of everything you have been through" Jake gently pushes some hair behind her ear.

"I love you" she looks to him. "I love you too" Jake replies to her.

"Your little girl wants to say hello" Jake says making Ariana sit up and takes Ellie. "Baby girl" Ariana smiles hugging Ellie. "Can we go to bed early tonight" Ariana asks "sure baby" he kisses her head.

Jake leaves the room leaving Ariana to have time with her daughter before googling why Ariana might have this dream.

Jake hears the giggling of Ariana and Ellie and smiles. He was so proud of Ariana and how far she had come.

"Hello.... Ill have ti ask Ariana one second?" Jake walks to Ariana "my mum wants to know if Hayley can stop here since my mums busy" Jake asks "shes 16 but yeah" Ariana says and Jake nods telling his mum okay before sitting with her.

"Ariana are you worried about money" Jake asks "what makes you think that" Ariana asks confused. "I googled the dream and it says money, anxiety if being alone, and security issues" Jake takes her hand. "Well defiantly not the money and I would have told you that. Maybe the other 2 though" she says.

"But the therapist did have a good point. I know I'm not ready to have sex yet and i just want it to happen naturally. Maybe it because things are different like we don't cuddle for hours and stuff" Ariana says "don't get me wrong I love the fact we have Ellie. But because we have just been focusing on Ellie at the minute it feels like we don't get to see each other" she adds.

"Okay baby thats something we can work on" Jake kisses her lips gently.


"Its okay" Ariana tells her giving Jake a nod letting him know it was okay to go to his mum. "She hates me" Hayley sobs "I'm sure she doesn't" Ariana tells her. "Shes hated me since I had sex Ariana" Hayley says snuggling into Ariana.

"I know this is hard for you but you need to be strong okay" Ariana tells her and she nods.

Jake comes back after seeing his mum out and hugs his sister. "Did she really break up your relationship" Jake asks and Hayley nods. "Shes changed" Hayley says "I know she has" Jake pouts.

"I don't want you ti feel unloved but can you give me an Ariana 5 minutes" Jake asks "of course. And you both make me feel loved Don't worry" Hayley says "can I take Ellie and put her into a baby grow for bed" Hayley asks "of course you can, the stuff is on my bed" Ariana says and Hayley nods.

"I think she should come and live here" Ariana says "do we have the same mind" Jake asks "it must be hard for her Jake she watches her mum bring back so many different boys and kicks her out each time it must be heartbreaking for her" Ariana says.

"I mean if your happy for her to move in with us I am am too. I mean the house it big enough." Jake says and Ariana nods. "Of course if she was to bring someone back with her we would tell them not to talk about you" Jake says "your such a sweet caring husband" Ariana smiles wrapping her arms around him and giving him a kiss.

"Come on lets go suggest this to her"

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