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Jake walks into the front room after a long day at work to see Ariana sat on her phone. He walks over to her and kisses her lips. "Hey baby" Ariana smiles "hey cutie" Jake smiles "have you seen the news" Jake asks "no why" Ariana asks confused "a 4 year old girl has been abducted" Jake pouts "thats so sad" Ariana sighs sadly.

Ariana stands up as she hears Ellie fall out of bed. "Ill go" Jake says "no we will both go" Ariana says walking up the stairs and walking into her girls room. "Mummy daddy" she sniffs "come on baby" Jake picks her up. "Me scared" she sniffs "is that why you fell off the bed" Ariana asks stroking her hair and Ellie nods against her daddy's chest.

"You want to sleep in our bed" Jake asks her and Ellie nods. "Okay baby girl" Jake rubs her back as Ariana grabbed her favourite blanket and teddy following Jake to their room.

"Daddy needs food but mummy will stay and watch a movie with you" Jake says and Ariana nods climbing into the bed as well. "Daddy me want you too" Ellie sniffs cuddling into her mothers side. "Daddy will try and fast as fast as he can" Jake says and Ellie nods.

"What movie you want to watch princess" Ariana asks "yogi" Ellie mumbles and Ariana nods putting on yogi bear.

"Can mummy gets changed" Ariana asks and Ellie nods. "Do you want a drink" Ariana asks and Ellie nods "ill go and get you one. Scream and the top off your lungs if you want me. I will be back in a minute" Ariana says and Ellie nods looking at the tv.

Ariana runs down the stairs and Jake smiles at her. Ariana grabs Ellie a bottle and fills it with juice. "Is she okay" Jake asks "shes not really talking" Ariana says walking back up to her daughter.

"Is daddy nearly done" Ellie asks "I think so baby Im not sure. I didn't really look I wanted to come back to you" Ariana says climbing into bed.

Jake came up 10 minutes later and got changed before getting into bed with his girl. Ellie shuffled over to him and cuddled into him. He kisses her head watching the film with her.

He looks to Ariana who had fallen asleep next to them. "I think mummy was tired" Jake smiles. "Shhh daddy mummy needs sleep" Ellie whispers "do you want to sleep yet" Jake asks looking at the time and Ellie shakes her head. Jake nods putting on a different film. If he had to stay awake all night he wouldn't mind for either of his girls.

Ariana wakes up and smiles at the picture in-front of her. Ellie was cuddled into his daddy while they both slept. Ariana climbs off the bed not wanting to wake either of them before going down to the kitchen and making her self something to eat.

It didn't take Ariana long to be running up the stairs and waking Jake. "Shes back" Ariana sobs "who" Jake asks before remembering a couple of night ago. "Shes staring through the window" Ariana says "creep" Jake pouts climbing off the bed gently not waking Ellie since she was still asleep.

Jake goes downstairs and opens the front door. "Get out of here" Jake says as Ariana comes back up behind him. "How did you get past the gate again" Ariana asks standing in front of him. "They let me in" she says

Jake groans hugging Ariana before moving her out the way and dragging his ex out their property and telling the guard not to let her back in. Jake runs back up to Ariana and picks her up spinning her around. "Ahh I love you" Ariana smiles down to him. "I Love you too" Jake smiles kissing her lip.

"I think your right to out baby making on hold" Jake says and Ariana nods. "I mean We have to wear a condom again" Ariana pouts "duh that stops baby's being born" Jake chuckles.

Jake went around locking all the doors. "You know I don't feel that unsafe right" Ariana laughs "you have so many doors I need to know my girls are safe" Jake says "this is your house too" Ariana says "I don't feel like it I don't pay you" Jake says "Jake shut up. You never pay me and we don't struggle for money" Ariana says "I know" he smiles pushing the chair in.

"I sometimes forget your rich" Jake says "you are too" Ariana says "you have way more than me. But I just don't think about it." Jake shrugs. "I remember when we first got together and I did a show and you were amazed at how much I got paid to do it" Ariana giggles "You could have brought a house by doing a 5 minute performance" Jake says making Ariana giggle.

Ariana and Jake decided to clean the house while Ellie slept since they needed to. Ariana did the laundry while Jake did the rest.

"Is out girl alive" Ariana asks "we should check" Jake says walking up the stairs and into their bedroom. Ariana gently shakes her and Ellie rolls onto her back and smiles to her mother. "Good afternoon" Ariana smiles picking Ellie up. Ellie places her head down on Ariana's shoulder making both Jake and Ariana look worried about her.

"Call a doctor" Ariana says "Ariana is she burning up" Jake asks and Ariana shakes her head. "Jake I know something is wrong please" Ariana asks and Ariana nods. Just something about how Ellie had acted made her really worry.

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