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"Baby why you still here" Ariana asks walking over him and cuddling him. "I didn't want to leave my sick girl today" he says "oh baby" Ariana smiles. "Shes still sleeping. Did you even come and get in bed last night" Ariana asks "no I slept down here" Jake says kissing Ariana's head.

"Oh baby boy" Ariana pouts "its okay though" Jake holds her. "No its not you live here. Thats your bed as well as mine" Ariana says "I know baby girl" Jake rubs her back.

"I love you stop worrying" Jake tells her "I had a 4 year old attached to me all night" Ariana giggles. "Shes sick" Jake says "I know baby" Ariana says.

"I need to wake her" Ariana stands up. "Why don't we leave her for a bit sleep will do her good" Jake says pulling her down and laying on top of her. "Im not in the mood Jake" Ariana says "This is the only way to keep you still" Jake says "fine" Ariana pouts laying there while Jake sat on her.

"Daddy why you sat on mummy" Ellie asks "me and mummy were playing a game" Jake says standing off Ariana. "How you feeling baby girl" Ariana asks letting Ellie climb into her lap. "Sick" Ellie whines. "Let daddy check your temperature" Ariana asks making Ellie look to her dad.

"Shes a little warm but not too much over we just need to check it every so often" Jake says kissing his girls head. "Daddy" Ellie asks crawling over to him. "Yeah" Jake asks holding his sick little girl. "Why you not working" Ellie asks "daddy wanted to stay home and look after you" Jake says "mummy no go" Ellie looks to her mother "Im staying too" Ariana smiles.

"You want to go back to mummy" Jake asks "Im okay here" Ellie snuggles into him making Jake smile. Ariana covers her with a blanket as they cuddled together. "Can I go shower" Ariana asks "of course" Jake smiles and Ariana nods leaving to go have a shower.

Jake strokes Ellies back as she closes her eyes falling back off to sleep. Jake smiles at the adorable sight in front of him. He never took what he had for granted. He married into money and has his own money. He felt honoured to be the husband of a singer.

Jake placed Ellie down on the sofa and walked up to his bedroom where Ariana was. "Hey baby" Ariana smiles as he picks her up in the towel. Ariana holds onto him and smiles. "Why do you love me" Jake asks "why would you ask that" Ariana asks "baby I love you because your cute. You treat me right and I just love you" Ariana says stroking his cheek. "But your a millionaire you could have had someone way better than me" he pouts. "Jake baby. I may have more money than you and buy expensive things but my heart is still the same as everyone else. I still fell for people who wasn't famous. Jake stop doubting yourself" Ariana kisses his lips and going to her feet and droping the towel.

"I love you" Jake says "I love you too" Ariana smiles kissing his lips before walking over to the draw.

Jake walks over to her and rubs her bum. "Yes" Ariana asks giggling. "Your such a tease" he pouts as his hand went further towards her pussy. Ariana bit her lip trying not to give in. "for wanting to get changed" Ariana asks trying to stop her self from moaning.

Ariana stands up and turn around. "So" Ariana asks taking his hand and leading it to her pussy. "You wasn't in the mood before" Jake goes to pull away feeling bad. Ariana stops him and rubbed his hand against her.

"Is she asleep" Ariana asks and Jake nods pushing her over to the bed. "Im too worked up just get inside of me" Ariana begs and Jake nods pulling her off the bed. "Oh god" Ariana says getting into his favourite position.

"Ready" Jake asks as Ariana places her head on bed and her legs on the floor. "Yes" Ariana says and Jake enters her. "Damn baby you were worked up" Jake moans feeling her wetness as he began to forcefully thrust inside of her.

"Fuck baby" Ariana moans rubbing her clit in gentle circles as he was deep inside of her. Jake smiling at the sounds she was making also hoping she wasn't too loud.

"Oh god baby fuck right there" Ariana moans "like this" Jake asks loving that he was pleasuring his girl. "Ohh yes" Ariana smiles. Jake kept it how she liked it as they both came. Ariana falls onto the bed and pants.

"I love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too" Jake lifts her up letting her get changed. "Baby I don't want to tour Family is more important to me right now" Ariana smiles "you'll change your mind next week" Jake chuckles spinning her around.

"We still need our honeymoon holiday. Baby you promised me" Ariana pouts. "Shhh I know baby I know but I want it to be when you want it" Jake says as they walk downstairs and check on Ellie who was fast asleep.

"And you were the one who said you didn't want a baby till after we were married you were pregnant Ariana" Jake says "so now this is my fault" Ariana asks "you wanted the baby you wanted it so bad but we agreed to wait" Jake spits "fuck off with that I cant make a fucking baby on my own" Ariana spits back. "Maybe its not my child" he says "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU"

"I sill went on our honey moon because you were so excited i felt like shit Jake" Ariana says "and we still ended up coming home" he says "you made me I wanted to stay" Ariana walks past him making him grab her arm. "Get off me" Ariana pulls her arm.

"I cant be doing with you right now" Jake lets go and grabs his coat leaving the house. Ariana stood there in complete shock.

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