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"Good morning" Ariana smiles rolling over to face him. "Did I wake you" Jake asks "No I was awake before you started rubbing my tummy" Ariana smiles kissing his lips. "I love it when your pregnant because I like making you feel better" he smiles "maybe one more kid after this boy since I did want three but I don't know" Ariana says "we are not talking about more children for another 3 years" Jake says making Ariana nod.

"I'm surprised Ellie hasn't been in yet" Ariana says "she was so tired last night so she could just be so tired now" Jake says and Ariana nods snuggling into him.

"30 weeks pregnant hey" Jake smiles "I know I'm so tired I just want him out" Ariana says "not yet little man your not ready" Jake says "7 more weeks till he is full term but I hope I make it longer" Ariana smiles "Ellie was 37 so this one could be 37" Jake says and Ariana nods.

"We have a party this week don't we for this little man" Ariana asks and Jake nods "and I so hope it doesn't stress you out because he knows when mummy is stressed" Jake replies kissing her lips before hugging her. 

"Do you want grandchildren" Jake asks "Jake i'm 30 not 50" Ariana says. "But only if they wanted to have children" Ariana says making Jake nod.

"Come on lets get out of bed" Jake smiles "but I don't want to" Ariana pouts "well I need to change the bed and you need food" he says picking her up. Ariana holds on to him as he carries her down the stairs. "So what would you like to eat" he asks "I'm craving a smoothie" Ariana says making him not grabbing some fruit and making her one. "Thank you" Ariana smiles "anything for my queen" Jake smiles.

"I want to take Ellie out today just me and her is that okay" Ariana asks "of course. I'll just work while your out" Jake smiles even though he would do the baby room which Ariana hadn't noticed he had started since they hadn't talked about it apart from they brought the furniture.

"I'm going to see if she is okay" Ariana says standing up and heading to Ellies room. "Baby girl" she gently wakes her. "Good morning mummy" she smiles "me and you are going to do something fun today" Ariana smiles to her "like what mummy" Ellie asks sitting up. "What would you like to do" Ariana asks "shopping" Ellie says "okay but remember mummy can not hold a lot since mummy has baby in here" Ariana says and Ellie nods climbing out of bed and getting changed. "Come on lets get you some breakfast" Ariana smiles following her down the stairs. "Hi princess" Jake smiles making Ellie run over to him giving him a hug.

"Mummy is taking me shopping" Ellie says "that will be fun" Jake smiles kissing her cheek before handing her some breakfast. "Ariana your hair" Jake laughs "hey not funny" she whines making him do it for her. "I can do my own hair" she giggles "I know but I like helping you dress" he pouts before bending down to her tummy. "Don't give mummy a hard time today okay" Jake whispers making Ariana smile. "How bad is he kicking" Jake asks "not that much I think he is sleeping now because he not kicking" Ariana giggles and Jake nods.

"Mummy can I have this" Ellie asks "princess you have one at home" Ariana says "do I" Ellie asks "yeah you do" Ariana chuckles "can I get a build a bear then" Ellie asks "of course come on" Ariana smiles taking her hand and leading her to build a bear.

"Whats wrong princess" Ariana asks "theres so many to choose from" Ellie pouts before covering her eyes making Ariana bend down to give her a hug. "I'm sorry baby girl" Ariana sibs her back. "Which teddy would you like" a lady asks "that one" Ellie sniffs "okay what other one princess" Ariana asks making Her look up to Ariana confused "go on you can have another" Ariana smiles making Ellie point before hiding her head again away from the paps.

Ariana helped Ellie make the two teddy's and dress them before Ariana took her home. Jake smiles to them before he notices Ellie run up the stairs. "Did she say hello" Ariana asks and Jake shakes his head.

"I'll go Im the famous one" Ariana sighs making Jake kiss her head before going to Ellie. "Princess" Ariana sits down next to her. "I don't like the flash mummy" Ellie sniffs "just the flash" Ariana asks and she nods "Ellie has something spooked you" Ariana asks rubbing her back. "I had a bad dream about a flash" Ellie pouts "oh my baby girl" Ariana hugs her.

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