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"How would you like to come and live here" Ariana asks as Ariana and Jake walk into the bedroom Hayley was in. "I cant invade your privacy" Hayley says making Ellie laugh as she played with her. "Hayley we want you to. We wouldn't kick you out every time we want to have sex. We want you to be happy" Jake says "okay" Hayley says "do you want your daughter back" she asks "yes" Ariana giggles taking Ellie.

Ellie holds her hands out for Jake and Ariana hands her over. "Daddy's girl" Ariana pouts leaving Hayley in the room.

"Baby she loves you" Jake says "I know she does" Ariana chuckles "but we need a bottle it's bed time" Ariana says and Jake nods.  Ariana goes down and makes her a bottle before going up to the bedroom. Ariana takes Ellie and sits down for a cuddle as she fed her a bottle.

"Goodnight my little angel mummy and daddy love you" Ariana kisses her head as she fell asleep. Ariana held her for a little while making sure she was asleep before playing her in her cot.

Ariana leaves the room and puts the bottle on the side before going to cuddle with her husband. "I thought you wanted to go to sleep early" Jake asks rubbing her back. "I did but I want cuddles off you" Ariana giggles slightly. "I love you princess. I cant wait for our daughter to be getting annoyed at me calling you that and not her" Jake kisses the side of her head. "Im a queen" Ariana says "princess sounds better but you are my queen" Jake smiles.

Ariana turns to face him straddling him with her knees beside each of his legs. "Yes beautiful" he asks "what i just wanted to sit like this" Ariana giggles making him leans to kiss her lips.

"Baby" Ariana whines "sorry" he pouts as he notices he went hard. "I didn't mean it" Jake pouts knowing she had expressed she wasn't ready for sex. "Thats making me horny" she pouts. "Baby girl" he hugs her. "What scares you" he asks "i don't want to pressure you but something is scaring you" he adds. "Im scared it will hurt" she pouts. "And it just hasn't been the right time to" she adds making him nod kissing her lips.

"This princess wanted to go to bed early so thats where we are going" Jake picks her up making her hold onto him. "You want some water" he asks and Ariana nods Jake grabs her phone and some water before taking her to the bedroom. "Night you two" Hayley smiles "goodnight" Ariana mumbles.

Jake lays her on the bed and throws her a top. "Thanks" Ariana chuckles getting changed. Ariana goes into the bathroom and washes her face and brushes her teeth. "Cute" Jake smiles "no laptop" Ariana says "I'm putting it away now" Jake says putting it under the bed. Ariana climbs on the bed and kisses his lips.

Ariana crawls under the sheets and snuggles into Jake. "I want to sleep good tonight" Ariana pouts. "I hope you do" Jake rubs her back watching her fall asleep.

Jake woke up to a smell. He looks at the time and groaned quietly as Ariana was asleep. He looks under the sheets and sighs sadly. During the night Ariana had come on and the white sheets were now red. He softly climbs off the bed and goes and runs her a bath. Making sure it was the right temperature. As much as he didn't want to wake his sleeping beauty as she looked so peacefully he knew she would hate him if he left her.

He takes off his clothes and changed before getting her out some clean ones and putting them in the bathroom as well as getting her a pad out and a towel ready.

He gently walked over to the bed snd kisses Ariana's lips. Ariana whined in her sleep. "Come on princess lets get you in the bath" Jake says gently. "You... you woke me for a bath" Ariana says "princess your on your period" Jake gently tells her making her take his hand and get off the bed.

"Im sorry" Ariana pouts "its okay your a girl come on lets get you clean" he tells her and she nods going into the bathroom with him. Jake takes off her top and throws it to the floor before lifting her into the bath. "Im going to change the bed okay you just relax ill wash your hair and body in a minute" he tells her and she nods too tired to consider anything.

Jake changed the bed and put everything in a pile that needed washing.  He walks back to the bathroom and grabs some shampoo and washes her hair gently rinsing it out and washing her body gently. In that moment Ariana felt something. She felt something she had been missing. In that moment she really truly saw he cared. She knew she did but this moment made her happy.

Jake helps her out the bath and into some shorts and a top with a pad and drys her hair. "Hayley's gonna kill us" Ariana giggles "my wife if not going to be with wet hair" Jake says making Ariana smile.

"Its 6am what you want to do" Jake asks "well ellie will wake up in an hour we may as well sty awake" Ariana says and Jake nods. "But thank you for taking care of me"

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