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"wheres mum" Jake asks "shes gone for a sleep" Ellie smiles "is she okay" he asks "yeah shes fine she was just falling asleep cuddling these two so i told her to go sleep" Ellie smiles making him nod walking up to his bedroom and smiling.

He bends down next to her and Ariana smiles rolling into him "how you know" he asks "i always know" she mumbles opening her eyes. "how was your sleep" he asks stroking her head "it was alright" she looks at him before sitting up for a kiss.

Ariana climbs off the bed and Jake pulls her back down. "if you need to sleep princess sleep" he rubs her back "i can't i have shit to do" Ariana cries "shh shh calm down im here now" he kisses her head "i love you" Ariana cuddles into him. "i love you too" he smiles "but still im not going back to sleep" she stands up "fine" he stands up "im going for a shower and ill meet you down there" he tells her and she nods

"hi mum" Ellie smiles "hi baby" Ariana smiles "how are you two" Ariana asks her two boys "Ellie gave us cookies" They giggles "so now mummy has more mess to clean" Ariana asks and they hide there head "its okay you two mummy isnt mad" Ariana chuckles.

Ariana began to clean.

"were going on a date" Jake says "but why" Ariana asks "because we need some time together" he walks over to her kissing her lips making her smile.

"okay" she nods "Ellie said she would look after the boys to give us some time to reconnect" he smiles "so where you taking me" she asks "its a surprise" he chuckles making her pout "but why you know i hate surprises" she whines "because its funny to watch you be annoyed." he chuckles.

"go relax my baby" he smiles "theres a bath up stairs ready for you my lil one" he gives her a cheesy grin "i love you" she smiles back before going up to get in the bath.

"can i pick what you wear" Jake asks "as long as im covered yes" she smiles making him nod walking over to give her a kiss.

"i banned you from rainbow bubbles" he pouts "you girl has her ways" Ariana sticks her tongue out at him.

Jake shakes his head at her smiling at her "your so bloody cute" he smiles making her giggle "duh you love me" she stands up wrapping herself in a towel.

"i do love you your right" he nods helping her out not that he needed to. "your shrinking" he jokes making Ariana whine "am not" she huffs "okay moody butt go get changed" he smacks her ass pushing her out the bathroom.

"ugh your so annoying" she rolls her eyes smiling. "i see dimples you love it" he chuckles walking out the room so she wouldn't get too annoyed at him.

"hey baby" Jake smiles picking up Kyle who ran into his arms. "are you going to be a good boy for you big sister tonight" he asks and Kyle nods kissing Jakes cheek.

"mummy want kisses" Kyle says "go give mummy some kisses then" he smiles putting him down. Kyle runs into the bedroom and drives on Ariana making her smile and hold him. "what can i do for you" Ariana asks ruffling his hair making him pout.

"kyle give mummy kisses because daddy got kisses" he smiles giving her a kiss. Ariana smiles "hey stop taking photos of us daddy" Kyle pouts making Ariana chuckle "hey we like to have memories of you" Ariana taps his nose.

"mummy give me my nose back" Kyle whines "nope" Ariana shakes her head. "go get daddy's nose" Ariana points making him climb off the bed and run toward Jake who slowly ran away.

"DADDY COME BACK" Kyle giggles.

"i dont want to sit on my own chair" Ariana pouts sitting on Jakes knee. "thats okay" he rubs her back gently. "you tired" he asks "nope" she shakes her head.

"im just so thankful for you and everything that you have put up with for 14 years" she giggles "love is a very weird thing" he smiles at her "i know and im so glad i got to experience it fully with you" she says wiggling around a little.

"now i know where our children get it from" he laughs slightly. The waitress brings them there food making Jake thank her.

"its our anniversary coming up in a few weeks want to go away for a weekend just me and you" Jake asks "what about the kids" she asks "we could ask Hayley or your mum or dad" he suggests "i would love too but only if there okay with it." Ariana tells him playing with his hair and he nods.

Jake gets a little bit of Ariana's pasta on his fork and places some to her mouth. Ariana smiles taking it finding it cute.

"you make me smile so much even if i dont show it its always inside you make me happy" she smiles "you make me very happy and proud every single day" he smiles kissing his lips.

Ariana smiles into the kiss before pulling away. "can we go home" Ariana asks "of course we can when you have eaten some more though" he asks and she nods eating a little bit more.

"you remember when you didn't know me" Ariana giggles "i do" he nods "but im so glad i did meet you what would i do with you your sassy and moody butt always around me" he chuckles.

Seeing her smile made him feel incredibly warm inside  "come on lets go cuddle" he smiles standing up. Ariana takes his hand and Jake squeezes it slightly.

"its been good tonight" Ariana smiles "it really has. I think we needed it" he smiles driving off.

"we did i miss the old us but i also love the new us"she sighs taking her shoes off. "were not home yet" he chuckles "my feet hurt sorry im not used to heels" she laughs slightly. "i guess i can carry you in"

"Goodnight" Ellie rolls her eyes at her loved up parents "night" Ariana blows her a kiss.

Jake places her on the bed gently, gently peeling off her clothes she had on before getting her something to sleep in. "Noo i wanna sleep naked" she whines making him nod helping her into bed.

"cuddle me" she pouts "alright bossy" he rolls his eyes getting undressed and climbing next to her pulling her into his arms "you smell of strawberries" she mumbles making him smile "well strawberries are your favourite food" he smiles kissing her head that was on his shoulder.

"i love you Jake"

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