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"hey princess" Jake smiles coming into the kitchen. "hey" Ariana looks at him. "the others have taken the kids to the park so its just me and you" he smiles making a coffee. "do I get one" Ariana asks "mhm" he smiles grabbing the cup she was using and makes her one before wrapping her into a hug.

"I love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too" he pecks her head. "can we watch a movie and cuddle" she asks "of course anything for my queen" he smiles picking her up and carrying her to the sofa. "I never even got a goodbye from them all" she pouts "Ellie was too excited dragging them out the house" Jake chuckles "I think we should have done something fun with them" Ariana says "Ellie wanted me to cheer you up" he pecks the side of her head putting on a movie. "our daughter is cute" Ariana giggles snuggling into Jake while they had time together.

After a few hours Ellie and the rest come back. "I wanted mummy to be awake" Ellie pouts noticing both parents asleep on the sofa. "Ellie baby I'm sure she wont be mad at you for waking her" Joan says "daddy will be" Ellie says "then try just to wake mummy up" Frankie says placing Mason down to play.

Ellie taps Ariana making her wake up and sit up slowly. "hey princess" Ariana smiles "hi mummy" Ellie hugs her "missed me" she asks "yeah mummy I didnt say bye and that I love you" Ellie looks up to her "aww baby its okay" Ariana rubs her back. "can we have a bath" Ellie asks "mhm sure" Ariana smiles standing up and going to the bathroom smiling to her son who had followed. "Mason not join" Ellie asks "no baby because daddy is sleeping" Ariana says and Ellie nods.

Ariana walks out the bathroom with Mason. "do not wake up Jake please" Ariana asks "we wont. we will leave him sleep because I have to admit he is adorable" Frankie says taking Mason off Ariana. "go have a bath with Ellie and we will keep this boy entertained" Hayley smiles and Ariana nods walking off to the bathroom.

Ariana helps Ellie in before climbing in with her. Ellie pushes her self towards Ariana and smiles kissing her lips. "Please don't have another baby mummy" Ellie asks "why baby girl" Ariana asks confused "because mummy doesn't get to pick the gender and I want to be the only girl" Ellie looks up to her "baby girl if me and daddy want another baby we can have one sweetheart" Ariana gently breaks it to her making her pout but nod. "I love you mummy" Ellie snuggles into her. "come on lets finish bath time and go snuggle on the bed" Ariana suggests and Ellie nods getting out the bath and wrapping her self in a towel. Ariana does the same and Ellie pouts. "mummy I want the towel like you do" she says making Ariana chuckle and help her.

"come on lets go get changed" Ariana smiles making Ellie follow her mum to the suitcase and get some clothes out. Ellie gets changed getting on the bed making Ariana smile. "mummy needs to go and see if Mason is okay baby girl is that okay" Ariana asks and Ellie nods opening the ipad up.

Ariana smiles to her boy who noticed her and started to crawl to her. "Hey my cutie" Ariana smiles kissing his head. "is he still asleep" Ariana asks and Joan nods "well I'm going to watch some movies with them so Ill be in my room" Ariana says and Joan nods.

"why do we have Mason mummy" Ellie asks "because he needs a nap and I don't want my family to feel like I abandoned him" Ariana kisses Ellies head and she nods.

Jake walks into the bedroom and Ariana looks up. "hey sleepy" Ariana smiles "why didn't you wake me up. I woke up to your whole family watching a scary movie" Jake pouts "bless you" Ariana tells Ellie who sneezed. "because you looked adorable" she giggles shuffling over so he could sit down next to her.

"hows our boy" He asks making Mason fall into his arms for a cuddle making Jake play with him.

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