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"Wheres Ariana" Jake asks everyone "we haven't seen her we thought she was in bed with you" Joan says handing Ellie a biscuit. "Great" Jake groans calling her.

"Im going to go try find her" Jake says making Joan nod. "Be good for grandma okay" he bends down to Ellie who kisses his cheek. "I will daddy make mummy happy again too" Ellie asks "ill try sweetheart" he hugs her before leaving out the door.

Jake wonders around knowing that she wouldn't have gone far with her being in a strange place.

"Ariana sweetheart" Jake rushes over to her picking her up into his arms. Ariana instantly breaks down. Jake holds her rubbing her back. "I want to be okay again" Ariana sobs "I want you to be okay too so do our two baby's too." Jake tells her.

"Can you tell me whats going on" Jake asks "my mental health" she sniffs "anxiety" he asks "a little" she sniffs holding on to him like he would leave her. "I'm here now and i'm going to help you through this okay" he tells her.

"I thought coming on holiday would make it all go away because we have family time but it hasn't" she looks at him. "its only been two days sweetheart we have another 8 left" he tells her.

"let me just let your mum know I have found you" Jake says and Ariana nods. Once he had let her know he looks back to her. "what are you anxious about" he asks "the way I look" she pouts. "your beautiful and fine" he strokes her cheek. "really" she asks and he nods. "you 35 Ariana your not old" he tells her "I know" she pecks his lips. Jake smiles into the kiss making Ariana smile slightly back at him. "theres that beautiful smile" he smiles to her.

"is there anything else that is making you feel uneasy" he asks "I feel depressed again because of my anxious feelings about being my self and not putting up a wall to hide behind" Ariana explains looking at him as he truly did care about her.

"Well your beautiful, confident and sexy and you can be who ever you want to be around me I don't care because I love you" he tells her making her smile lightly.

"what about others though" she asks "your mother loves you for you. Ellie loves and adores you, Hayley loves you, Mason lives you so much, all your crew love you thats all you need to card about" he says "family and friends" she says and he nods "they all love you for who you are not the person your trying to be because thats making my Ariana sad and I don't like sad Ariana" he says.

"How long have you been out here" he asks "since like 8am" she shrugs "oh princess next time just come and talk to me" he asks her and Ariana nods.

"but Im cold can we go back I miss my kids" she asks "our" he butts in. "I had more work to do" Ariana says taking his hand. "nah I had to ensure that the sperm fertilised and thats such a big responsibility" he says making her shake her head laughing.

Jake opens the door and Ellie walks out the bathroom and looks to her parents. "well someones been in their mothers bag" Jake laughs "do I look pretty mummy" Ellie asks giving her a hug. "you do look very pretty but I think you but eyeliner on your eyebrow instead of eyebrows" Ariana giggles "oh" she pouts "why don't me and you go do make up since I want some time with you" Ariana asks "yes mummy" Ellie smiles "Ariana she is 5" he says "I know but we will start hiding it when we get home" she replies and Jake nods.

Ariana rests on her elbow in bed and looks at her sleeping husband. "ari are you okay" he mumbles sensing her awake. "ari cute" Ariana smiles "your just adorable" she adds "and its 2am you need to sleep cutie" he tells her "but I cant" she admits. "want me to stay awake with you" he asks "and do what" she pouts "watch a movie" he suggests and Ariana nods.

Jake grabs her laptop and puts on a movie cuddling her. "dont let your mind make you feel bad about your self your perfect to us" Jake whispers into her ear making Ariana smile and turn to kiss him.

As the movie went on he slowly started to see Ariana drifting off to sleep but Mason woke up making them both jump off the bed immediately thinking something was wrong. "shh mummys here so is daddy" Ariana holds him. "he hasnt woke up in ages in the night" Ariana pouts "maybe he is coming down with something" Jake says taking him while Ariana went and made a bottle for him.

"want to" Ariana asks "I do but I know how much you like these cuddles" he says making Ariana hand him the bottle and Jake smiles feeding his boy back to sleep.

"come on princess" Jake smiles picking Ariana up watching her head. "I thought you were going to make me hit my head then" she giggles "no I want to protect my baby" he smiles "I'm still your baby I like it" she smiles  as she was placed to the bed. "you will always be my baby" he smiles pushing some hair from her face again before cuddling her to sleep.

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