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Ariana rolls over and looks at Jake and kisses his lips making him wake up. He pulls her into his arms and rubs her back. "how you feeling" she asks "weak" he admits. "I feel like a shit dad and husband right now because Im in pain and just want to be in bed" he looks at her. "your far from that Jake." Ariana tells him. "why don't you come and sit on the sofa instead of being in bed." Ariana suggests. "i keep dreaming about being in car crashes but you being with me" he pouts "thats because your worried about getting in a car" Ariana says "would you come on a drive with me" he asks "of course I would" Ariana kisses his lips.

She goes to pull away but he pulls her back "your lips take away the pain" he mumbles before they began to make out on the bed.

"Ewwww" Ellie gags making them pull away. "why did you have your tongues down each others throats" Ellie asks climbing on the bed giving Jake a hug. "tell daddy that he isn't a bad daddy" Ariana says "what daddy your the best daddy in the world" Ellie says kissing his cheek. "and your the best mummy" Ellie smiles up to her "give her a kiss" Jake chuckles making Ellie climb onto Ariana and kiss her lips.

"I want to do something fun" Ellie says "like" Ariana asks "go to a play area" she smiles "we can do that" Jake says "you want to come" Ariana smiles "I sure I can sit at a play area" he smiles and Ariana nods.

"Jake your not ready to be back driving" Ariana says "on the way home if you still feel up to it i will let you drive" she says "okay" he pouts climbing in the other side. "mummy Mason is kicking and got his bottom lip out" Ellie says "does he have his teddy" Ariana asks "no" Ellie shakes her head "can I go get it" Ellie asks and Ariana nods letting her run into the house and get his favourite teddy bear. "here you go" Ellie smiles making Mason hold on to it.

"he really does love that teddy" Jake smiles "he really does" Ariana agrees driving to the play area.

Ariana sits down on a table and Ellie takes off her shoes handing them to Ariana. "thank you sweetheart" Ariana smiles placing them on top of her bag and picking up Mason. "I always feel bad for this boy when we take Ellie places" Jake chuckles "I know me too but i may take him around it soon to give him some fun if he gets bored" Ariana smiles to Jake.

"Im going to use the toilet" Jake says and Ariana nods looking at Mason. "i love you" she smiles kissing his head making him stand on her knee to kiss her lips.
"I found some colouring that he could just draw on" Jake says "do you want to colour" Ariana asks sitting him back down and grabbing a crayon. Mason smiles putting it onto the paper. "clever boy" Ariana and Jake smile. "i think thats you" Ariana laughs "then that is you" he adds "just because im small" she pouts. "get that out your mouth" Ariana moves his hand away.

"mummy daddy" Ellie sobs running over to them. "baby girl" Ariana panics "whats happened" She asks "a girl slapped me" Ellie sniffs "Ariana Im so sorry" the woman says coming up to them. "Ava say sorry" the lady says "no" Ava huffs. "say sorry to her she didnt deserve to be slapped" she says "fine sorry" Ava says "can we go get ice cream" Ellie asks "its too cold for icecream what about a milkshake" Jake says "okay" Ellie smiles putting her shoes on.

"are you positive you want to drive" Ariana asks Jake. "your acting like you dont trust me" he pouts "I just dont want you to freak out" Ariana says "i want to drive" He smiles and Ariana nods giving him the keys.

Jake climbs in the car and Ariana looks at him. "this feels so weird" he pouts "its okay to be nervous" Ariana tells him Jake start to drive of and Ariana smile proudly. Ariana looks down at her phone while he drove.

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