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"Your tummy if growing" Jake smiles "our baby if growing" Ariana rolls her eyes. "Can we find out the gender already" he whines making Ariana giggle. "You wasn't this bad with Ellie" Ariana says stroking his head. "I want to buy stuff for the baby. Last time you were already 15 weeks when I found out so I didn't have ti wait as long" Jake smiles kissing his wife. "Yeah but it will be so much harder this time. We cannot nap when we want we have to be awake because of Ellie" Ariana says "shes a good girl Ariana" he adds making Ariana nod.

"Mummy... daddy" Ellie calls from behind the door. "You can come in Ellie" Ariana calls making her open the door and come and climb on the bed. "Good morning princess" Jake smiles giving her a hug. "Good morning daddy" Ellie smiles "this one needs a bath shes smelly" Jake jokes pretending to smell her feet and making a disgusted face. "No mummy me not smelly" Ellie cuddles into her. "I thought you liked baths" Ariana asks and She nods "but me not smelly" she huffs "okay okay." Ariana giggles "your not smelly but you need a bath" Ariana says and Ellie nods.

Ariana sits up and climbs off the bed taking Ellie to get some food. "Daddy is a meany butt" Ellie pouts making Ariana chuckle making her some toast. "Oh your a cutie pie"Ariana smiles kissing her head before brushing through her hair. "Can you bath with me mummy" Ellie asks "if it makes you happy" Ariana smiles and Ellie nods.

"Don't make meany butt breakfast" Ellie says "but then he will be more of a meany butt." Ariana chuckles. "Im sorry for calling you smelly" Jake says hugging his daughter. "You smelly go away" Ellie pushes him off her. "I smell of mummy" he says "no you don't you need bath" Ellie runs to Ariana. "You started that" Ariana says "if I need a bath mummy needs a bath" Jake says "noooo mummy not smelly." Ellie giggles "and mummy bath with me" Ellie adds.

Ariana fed her little girl breakfast and Jake. "You definitely do nit smell like me" Ariana says "I know I don't I was joking" Jake says kissing her lips.

"How are you two still in the bath" Jake asks "we haven't been in that long" Ariana giggles "were having mummy daughter time daddy" Ellie says "your listening to grumpy mummy way to much" he shakes his head coming over to kiss her head before leaving the room.

"What would you like Ellie a brother or sister" Ariana asks "I don't care as long as I get to be a big sister" Ellie smiles making Ariana smile "you will be a great big sister" Ariana smiles kissing her head before getting our and wrapping her in a towel. "Can we pull a prank on daddy mummy" Ellie asks "what sort of prank" Ariana asks "I don't know mummy" Ellie shrugs as they go snd get changed. "Put something in his drink" Ellie asks "okay" Ariana rolls her eyes. "Go ask daddy if he wants a coffee" Ariana smiles and Ellie nods running off.

Ariana gets out three cups. "He said yes mummy" Ellie smiles making Ariana put on the kettle. She put tea in her cup and made to coffees since she felt bad for letting her daughter even do this. ariana puts a little bit of salt in the cup before putting sugar in the rest.

She makes it before taking it up stairs. "I want to give it him" Ellie asks making Ariana carefully hand it her on a tray and watch her so she didn't drop it. "Thanks sweetheart" Jake smiles. Ariana walks down and picks up the other one and takes it upstairs.

She heard Ellie giggling so she walked in. "I hate you" he whines wiping his mouth. "Ellie wanted to" Ariana says handing him the other cup. "How do I know this one doesn't have salt in" he asks "it doesn't I swear" Ariana says making him try a bit. "Thats better" he says. "Daddy love me" Ellie asks "no" Jake says "baby" Ariana says hugging her daughter. "She was only joking" Ariana says "I'm Joking Ellie" Jake pouts getting up from his chair and walking over to her and giving her a kiss. "Daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you a horrible drink" Ellie sniffs. "Shhh it's okay. I'm not mad." He holds her. "So you do love me" Ellie asks "yes but I don't love mummy" he says "fine then you don't have to love me" Ariana shrugs walking out the room.

"Ariana you okay" Jake asks noticing holding her stomach. "Yeah the baby just kicked" Ariana smiles making Jake rush over to her and places his hands on her stomach. Ariana smiles at him as the baby kicked again.

"Omg omg omg I love you" Jake hugs her making Ariana hold him. "Whats going on here" Joan asks "just a couple hug" Ariana giggles "baby tell her" Jake rolls his eyes "mummy. I'm pregnant" Ariana smiles "I'm going to have another grandchild" Joan smiles "wheres Ellie" Joan asks "shes sleeping" Ariana smiles "following her mother" Joan chuckles making Ariana nod.

"Anyway mum what you doing here" Ariana asks "came to see my daughter" she says "we should go for lunch some time" Ariana says "we should" Joan smiles.

"Get off my ass" Ariana says "but you have a good one" Jake says "and I don't cars your hands are cold" Ariana says making Joan chuckle. "Do you want a coffee" Ariana asks "please" Joan smiles "I wouldn't say that she puts salt in peoples coffee" Jake says "Jake drop it" Ariana says "what it was disgusting" Jake says "and it was Ellies idea" Ariana says making her mum a coffee. "Hi grandma" Ellie yawns coming and climbing on her knee.

"I know it was Ellies idea doesn't mean you had to let her do it" Jake says "can you two drop it. Ellie wanted to prank you Jake. It was harmless. She only gave you a bit of salt its not the end of the world" Joan says "see mummy I told you daddy hates me" Ellie says making Ariana come over to her and hug her making Ariana give evils to Jake.

"Ellie baby I don't hate you. I dislike mummy" Jake says "but I don't want you to dislike mummy. It was my idea daddy. We only wanted to have some fun" Ellie looks to him. "What was that" Ellie jumps making Joan catch her "sorry princess your sister or brother is kicking" Ariana says making Ellie turn around and place her hands on her stomach. "Cool mummy" Ellie smiles "did I kick" Ellie asks "oh yes you drove me crazy but it never stopped me loving you" Ariana smiles.

"Daddy me give gift to makes your not hate mummy" Ellie runs off grabbing a drawing and running back to them. "Is that the baby" Jake asks and Ellie nods "I didn't know pink or blue because I don't know boy or girl so I did yellow" Ellie smiles. "Your my smart girl" Jake smiles kissing her cheek. "Kiss mummy" Ellie points making him walk over to Ariana and kiss her lips "ill drop it" he says making Ariana smile.

"Grandma" Ellie asks "yes" She asks "how is uncle frankie" Ellie asks "Uncle Frankie misses you but he is really busy in new york doing his job" Joan tells her.

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