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Jake wakes up yo an empty bed which was normal since Ariana loved to let him sleep since he had taken some time out of the office and some time with his family. He climbs off the bed and goes and showers since he knew Ariana had it all under control as she was a fantastic mum. Once he had showered he got changed and went to see what everyone was doing.

"hey sweetheart wheres mummy" Jake asks Ellie who was doing school. "urm I dont know she just told me to do some school" Ellie smiles to her dad who nodded kissing her head making Ellie smile and give him a hug.

Jake leaves Ellie to do some school and walks to Masons room to see if he was napping which he was. He smiles down to his son who was sucking on his thumb peacefully sleeping.

He pouts wanting to know where Ariana was so he walked downstairs where she was no where to be seen before doing up to his office where she was sat doing work. Jake smiles taking a photo of her before walking over to her. "you shouldn't have" Jake pouts "its okay baby i dont mind helping you" she smiles leaning up to kiss his lips.

"but this is so sexy" he moans "Ellie is awake" Ariana says "i know" he smiles turning of the computer and picking her up. "I want to make you some food please say you haven't eaten" he asks "i haven't" she giggles "yay" Jake smiles carrying her downstairs placing her on a stool and making her a salad. "I love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too" he pecks her head.

"mummy" Ellie comes down the stairs "yes my baby" Ariana asks turning around. "love u" she smiles "love you more" Ariana smiles letting her sit on her knee. "whats that" Ellie asks "food" Jake says "can I try" Ellie asks "no its mummy's" Jake says "baby its okay" Ariana smiles getting a little bit on the fork and letting Ellie try a bit "well" Ariana asks "thats boring" she pouts making Ariana chuckle and carry on eating.

"you okay baby girl" Ariana asks stroking her head "Im tired" she moans. "you want to go have a sleep" Ariana asks "no mummy me big girl" she looks up. "you are a big girl but I dont want you to be grumpy" Ariana says kissing the top of her head.

"okay mummy" Ellie snuggles into her making Jake chuckle "leave her baby she is okay" Ariana smiles down to her little girl making Jake nod.

"MUMMY" Ellie screams making Ariana jump up and run to her "oh baby" she picks her up off the bed stripping her down since she had been sick everywhere. "come on sweetheart lets get you clean" Ariana gently picks up her crying daughter taking her to the big bathroom and running a bath. "daddy" Ellie sniffs "you want daddy" Ariana asks and Ellie nods. "JAKE" Ariana calls making him come up to the bathroom. "oh sweetheart its okay" he hugs his little girl. "Its not I was sick over blanky" she sobs "daddy can fix that." Jake kisses her head walking off to clean Ellies bed.

Ariana helps her little girl into the bath and grabs a sponge gently washing her down. "do I need my hair washing" Ellie asks "no baby girl its clean" Ariana tells her making Ellie nod.

Once Ellie was clean Ariana wrapped her in a towel picking her back up and taking her to her room and laying her on the bed. "Ellie come out from under the sheets till your dressed please" Ariana asks "your bed is comfy" she whines but climbs out and lets her mother help her change.

"Hi baby boy" Ariana smiles down to Mason helping him on the bed as he tried to climb up. "will blanky be ready for night night" Ellie sniffs "daddy will be a hero and get hour blanky ready for night night" Ariana says helping her under the sheets. "can we watch movies" Ellie asks and Ariana nods "ill put some on while I sort Mason out because he needs feeding and then me and daddy will come sit with you is that okay" Ariana asks and Ellie nods watching my little pony.

Ariana walks downstairs and sat Mason in his high chair while she made him some food before feeding him. "your a cutie" Ariana smiles as his now orange face from the pasta he had for lunch. She grabbed a wipe and wipes him down before she went and sat with her little girl with Mason.

Mason was pretty good as sitting down with his parents. He usually just cuddled into them and climbed all over Ariana or Jake. Jake soon joined then as they kept their sick girl company.

Hayley walks into the bedroom and smiles "well isnt it the lazy family" she chuckles looking to Ellie and Ariana who were asleep while Ellie tightly griped Arianas top for comfort. "Ellie is sick" Jake says reading a book to Mason who was deeply enjoying playing with his daddy. "aww bless her. I do have some news but Ill come back another day since Ariana is asleep" Hayley says "thats mean" Jake pouts "I can just tell Ariana" Jake says looking down to his wife and smiles at her cute sleeping face. "fine Im pregnant" Hayley smiles "Omg Im so happy for you" Jake smiles "I would come hug you but I dont want o make Mason cry" Jake says and Hayley nods. "you better tell her" Hayley says "I will don't worry" Jake smiles.

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