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"Is my lazy girl getting out of bed today" Jake asks walking into the bedroom to see that she had fallen back to sleep. He gently sits next to her stroking her hair. Ariana shuffles closer to him making him smile. "Are you getting out if bed today" Jake asks "do I have to" Ariana asks "not if you don't feel like it since I know our boy is giving you a hard time" He says "when I lay down it doesn't make me need to pee" Ariana say "okay. I don't care if you stay here I just wanted to make sure your okay" Jake tells her. "Wheres Ellie" Ariana asks "Frankie begged to take her" Jake pouts "aww baby your all alone I'll come down" Ariana sits up. "No no Im okay" Jake chuckles kissing her lips.

"Can you run me a bath" Ariana asks "of course" he smiles going into the bathroom and turning on the top. "Love you" Ariana smiles sitting on the toilet. "I love you too" Jake smiles kissing her lips. "I would kiss your stomach but your on the toilet" he laughs making Ariana giggle. "Im so close to giving birth" Ariana smiles "which mean you need loads of sleep before we get none" Jake says "we will manage" she giggles. "Apart from out boy being really low how do you feel" Jake asks "excited" Ariana smiles "I want to meet him." Ariana smiles rubbing her tummy.

Jake smiles to Ariana before helping her get unchanged. Ariana hugs him making Jake stop and hug her back. "You okay" he asks "yeah I just love you" she smiles kissing his lips. "I love you too." Jake smiles.

"I either just peed or my waters broke." Ariana says making Jake look at her. "I think that was your waters" Jake says "nooo I want a bath" Ariana whines making Jake place her in it. "Yay i love you" Ariana cheers making Jake shake his head at her cuteness.

Hake walks out to message Frankie that he needed to keep Ellie before putting everything in the car as that is where everything needed to be, before he went up to his wife and comforted her.

Ariana stood up and got changed into some comfy clothes before Jake took her to hospital.

"Oww" Ariana moans leaning her head back. Ariana looks up to Jake and he leans down to her knowing she wanted a hug. "Can can I sit on your k-knee" Ariana stutters "of course princess come here" Jake smiles letting Ariana crawl into his knee and snuggle into him.

"It will be over soon" Jake tells her rubbing her back. "Thats so cute" Joan smiles "shhh" Ariana says making Joan take a photo of them since it was adorable. Jake smiles to her mum who came to see how she was. "Baby" Ariana breathes "just breath through it its okay" Jake rubs her lower back. Ariana smiles hearing his heart beat which calmed her. Jake smiles to her. "Can we check you over" A midwife comes in. "Is she asleep" she asks making Jake nods. "She wont be for long though" he adds "okay we will come back soon" she smiles leaving them while she was calm and asleep.

"How far is she" Joan asks "6cm" Jake smiles "and she isn't screaming down your ear hole yet is she feeling okay" Joan asks making Jake chuckle. "If anything shes just whiny" Jake says. Taking her hand as she woke up before if pain. "Breathe through it baby girl its okay" he reminds her. "Is Ellie okay" Ariana asks "she is" Jake nods making Ariana smile. "Shes a very excited girl ready to meet her brother apparently according to Frankie" he asks "ow ow ow ow ow" Ariana cries. "FUCK I FEEL PRESSURE" Ariana screams sitting up and back on to the bed. Jake takes her hand and the midwife comes in. "Okay Ariana lets check you" she says making Ariana nod.

"Okay Ariana on your next contraction push" the midwife says making Ariana nod looking to Jake. "I love you, you can do this" Jake tells her making Ariana nod.

"Ahhhh" Ariana screams holding on to Jakes hand "fuck" Ariana breaths. "This is so worth it" Ariana groans making Jake chuckle to her earning a slap. "Sorry" Ariana pouts. "Focus on giving birth you" he tells her as she pushes. "Thats a good one Ariana" the midwife smiles.

Ariana was handed her baby boy screaming. Ariana looks down to him. "Hey little man" Ariana sniffs looking down to her son and then to Jake who leans down to her lips. "I'm so proud of you" Jake tells her kissing her lips again as she wanted another.

"Okay Ive got our son" Jake takes the car seat off Ariana and placed him to the floor before picking up his wife. "You go sleep my angel" Jake tells her "nooo I need to be a mummy" Ariana whines with her eyes closed. "Baby girl I will wake you when he needs food" Jake says carrying her up to bed. Ariana snuggles into the sheets wanting to be clean but she didn't have any energy.

Jake walks down and sorts out their son before cleaning slightly telling Frankie that he could bring Ellie home if he wanted to.

"JAKE" Ariana calls for him making him stand up and walk to her. "Yes" he asks "I feel disgusting" Ariana pouts "okay I will run you a bath" he smiles walking to the bathroom.  "Mummy daddy" Ellie runs into the bedroom and Jake hears Ariana groan and whine. "Come here princess"  Jake says making Ellie run over to him. "Mummy grumpy" Ellie pouts "mummy is tired and had a baby boy to look after" Jake says letting Ellie help with the bath.

"You sit on the toilet seat I'm going to get mummy" Jake says and Ellie nod. Jake lifts Ariana off the bed and into the bath and bends down next to his sleepy girl. "Was mummy like this when i was a baby daddy" Ellie asks "not as tired as this but this time we have a 4 year pld to entertain" Jake says helping Ariana wash her body.

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