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Jake rolls over and smiles to his wife who was still in bed. This didn't happen often and he was so happy she was today. He gently stroke her hair making her shuffle into him. Jake smiles at he cuteness of her wrapping his arms around her to hold her. Ariana opens her eyes and smiles up to him. "love you" she rolls on to him. "love you too" he smiles rubbing her back.

"Im so glad Lexie messages you that day" Ariana says "I am too" Jake smiles kissing her lips. "Ariana I have a question" Jake asks "okay ask me" she asks "do you want anymore kids" he asks sitting up with her making her look into his eyes. "I don't know" she shrugs "do you" she asks "I do" he pouts. "would you leave if I didnt want anymore" she asks looking down.

"no of course not I love you baby and if you don't want another kid I accept that" Jake rubs her back. "Ill think about it. I guess I haven't thought about a baby since Mason is still just under a year" Ariana says and Jake nods kissing her lips.

"whens Hayley due" Ariana asks "I dont know she just told me she was pregnant" Jake says "oh ask her" she giggles "when you next on set" Jake asks "this afternoon" she says and he nods kissing her head.

"im going to take the kids to a play area" Jake says "that will be fun" Ariana smiles "it will" he agrees standing up off the bed holding her. "its nearly your birthday I get to spoil you" she smiles "no no no" Jake says "yes yes yes" Ariana giggles "i dont need spoiling" Jake says "okay" she pouts giving in but still gonna spoil him anyway.

"daddy can we go food" Ellie asks "sure princess" Jake smiles "put your shoes on" he says and Ellie nods sitting on the floor and putting her shoes on. "so where would you like to go and eat" he asks "ice cream" Ellie giggles "you need proper food before ice cream baby" Jake says kissing her head "a burger" she asks and he nods going to find somewhere who sells burgers. "what do you want to do after we have eaten" Jake asks "go home" Ellie says and Jake nods.

"mummy is gonna be mad i letting this boy eat fries" Jake chuckles feeding Mason who was happily eating them. "is he aloud that stuff now" Ellie asks "he is because it is still soft and he has 3 teeth" Jake says making Ellie nod. "when is mummy home daddy" Ellie asks "im bot sure want me to ask" he asks and she nods.

To Ari 💗
Hi sweetheart, I hope everything is going well, Ellie wants to know what time you are home today. xxxxx love u ♥️.

"Ive messages her and shell get back to me soon" Jake says and Ellie nods putting her rubbish in the bin "good girl" he smiles "now can we get ice cream" Ellie asks and he nods "thank you daddy" she smiles taking his hand while he carried Mason over to the ice cream.

"what would you like little girl" the worker asks "I cannot see" Ellie pouts. "there is chocolate, strawberry, choc chip, mint, vanilla, coconut, cookie dough, vanilla with sprinkles in and bubblegum" Jake says "can I have chocolate daddy please" Ellie asks and he nods. "is that everything" the worker asks "a vanilla please" he smiles before paying.

"here you go cutie" he hands Ellie her ice cream. "thank you" Ellie smiles Jake decided to share his with Mason since he knew Mason would cry if he was left out.

Ariana sat in her dressing room after a scene looking at her phone going to text messages.

From My Love 😌💗
Hi sweetheart, I hope everything is going well, Ellie wants to know what time you are home today. xxxxx love u ♥️.

Ariana smiles before replying.

To My Love 😌💗
hi baby, everything is fine, ill be home for 6, love u xxxx ♥️♥️.

Ariana leaves her dressing room. "you seem sad" Sam asks making Ariana jump. "i'm okay" Ariana smiles "i'm surprised Jake didn't tag along today he is so protective over you" Sam chuckles "he wanted to take the kids to have some fun" Ariana smiles. "and im his wife" Ariana says.

Ariana opens the door and Ellie ran straight for her arms. Ariana picks her up carrying her through to the living room. "shes been sat at the window ever since I told her you had set off" Jake says kissing her head. "missed me" Ariana rubs her back. "always mummy" Ellie says.

Ariana sits down with Ellie making her reposition herself. "so how was your day with Daddy" Ariana asks "good we got ice cream" she smiles "wow" Ariana gasps "what flavour" Ariana asks "chocolate and daddy and mason shared vanilla" Ellie says "thats sounds so fun" Ariana kisses her head.

"how was your day mummy" Ellie asks "it was stressful but it was okay" she says "daddy" Ellie says making Ariana roll her eyes. Jake comes into the room confused "mummy needs a kiss" Ellie says making Jake walk over to Ariana and kiss her lips. "thanks Ellie but mummy didn't need a kiss right now" Ariana chuckles sticking her tongue out at her. "yes you did ellie knows when mummy needs kisses off daddy" Ellie says "okay okay mummy needed a kiss" Ariana says making Jake chuckle.

"is my boy asleep" Ariana asks and Jake nods "I tried keeping him awake for you but he was so tired bless him" Jake says "no no its fine" Ariana smiles.

"Well Im going to make you something to eat" Jake says and Ariana nods. "are you home tomorrow mummy" Ellie asks "not in the morning but afternoon" Ariana says "okay" Ellie says "do you have to kiss that boy tomorrow" Ellie asks "no im not with him tomorrow" Ariana says "good" Ellie says making Ariana chuckle.

"can I make you feel good" Jake asks "baby please don't think i'm being ungrateful but my body aches and just wants sleep" Ariana mumbles sleepily. "okay princess thats fine with me" he pecks her lip. "im going to wash my face" Jake tells Ariana who nods looking at him and watching him go off into the bathroom.

Jake washes his face and used the toilet but walking back out. "wake up" he tap Ariana making her whine "you fall asleep way to easy" he pouts "i don't fancy being woken up early hours" Jake says "I love you" Ariana giggles kissing his lips. "sometime I wonder why you do that" Jake says "I have issues" Ariana says snuggling into him. "I feel the needs to have to say I love you when I go to sleep because I never know if you will wake up in the morning" she pouts making him turn on the light and sit up pulling her into his arms. He gently rubs her back soothing her. "he would be so proud of you baby girl" he tells her "I know its still hard though" she looks at him. "I love you" she kisses his lips "I love you too" he pushes some hair from her face before laying her back down.

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