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Today was the day that they were able to go home. Ariana changed into clothes Frankie had brought for her while Jake fasted their sleeping girl into the car seat.

"You okay" Jake Asks "I'll try and make it to the Car" Ariana says and Jake nods kissing her lips gently. Jake picks up the car seat taking Ariana's hand as they started to walk outside.

Ariana Stops and Jake stops to support her. "Take it slow it's okay" Jake tells her and she nods taking a step. They make it to the car and Ariana climbs in while Jake fastens their baby girl into the car.

Jake climbs in next to her and looks at her. "I'll be glad when I'm not in pain" Ariana giggles "I know baby but it will pass" Jake tells her "Can we just go home" Ariana asks and he nods driving them home.

Ariana gets out the car and waits for Jake with their little girl. They walk inside and Ariana picks up her little girl. "We need to think of a name" Ariana says "I really like Ava" Jake says "you said you didn't" Ariana giggles "well it's grown on me and I think it would be cute actually I like Ellie" Jake says looking down to their sleeping baby's face in Ariana's arms.

"Ellie Mae Grande Jones" Ariana smiles "I love it" Jake smiles. "Well here comes life" Ariana smiles "here comes life" he agrees.

Ariana sits down with Ellie and watched her sleep for a little while. "Put her in here and then your arm doesn't get dead" Jake says making Ariana place her down.

Ariana yawns sleepily. "I may go and have a shower it may make me feel slightly better" Ariana tells Jake. "You go I have all this under control" he smiles making Ariana nod and head up to the shower and get in. Washing her hair and body rid of all the dirt.

Ariana grabs a towel and wraps her self in  getting changed into some comfort clothes. Ariana smiles walking down the stairs and watching her baby candle her baby.

"Can I post now" Ariana asks "sure you can baby" Jake chuckles at her excitement. Ariana posts a photo with the caption. "New life 💡"

Ariana sits up in the night and walks to her little girl that was beside the wall in their room. Ariana picks her up and feeds her.

Jake stands up and walks over to her. "You didn't need to get up" Ariana yawns "shh it's okay we're in this together" he reminds her and she nods leaning against him.

Ariana winds her before changing her bum. Ariana places her back down before getting back into bed. Jake cuddles her making Ariana smile "have you slept" he asks and Ariana shakes her head. "Come on Beautiful you need some sleep" Jake strokes her cheek only making Ariana get a little upset.

"You want some pain relief" he asks and Ariana nods. Jake kisses her head going downstairs and getting some out for her with a bottle of water. He walks back up the stairs and hands them to her.

She takes them before lying down and closing her eyes.

Jake rubs her back making her fall asleep. Jake smiles at her finally sleeping.

"Good morning angel" Jake smiles as Ariana wakes up. Ariana sits up and smiles "she needs feeding" Jake says making Ariana take her and lift up her top. "How long have you been awake" Ariana Asks "not long but she was quiet so I wasn't going to wake you" he tells her and Ariana nods. Feeding her girl.

"She feeds pretty well from you" Jake smiles "I know which is good" Ariana smiles "you feeling better now after some sleep" Jake asks and Ariana nods "I do I'm not in as much pain and feel more Me" Ariana explains moving her little girls hand so she could see her.

"She's so small it's so cute" Jake smiles looking down at her. "I'm bloody tiny" Ariana giggles grabbing the blanket and patting Ellie's back.

"I need to shit" Ariana pouts "good luck" Jake says "don't be mean" Ariana pouts. "Go on Baby you go toilet and clean your self up and I'll change Ellie's bum and get her changed okay" Jake suggests "yeah but don't put her in a proper outfit there's no point just yet" Ariana tells him and he nods kissing her lips.

Jake smiles changing Ellie's bum as she looks up to him. "You are so gorgeous just like your mama" Jake smiles kissing her head. "I wanna see her" Hayley says "Hayley" Sam groans "it's okay" Jake smiles grabbing a baby grow and changing Ellie.

Ariana walks into the room and pouts. "Ariana" Hayley smiles hugging her "be careful" Sam says rubbing Ariana's back. "You okay now baby did you go okay" Jake Asks and Ariana nods.

They all go downstairs and Ariana sits down and Jake hands her Ellie. "Have you named this kid yet" Sam Asks and Ariana nods "Ellie Mae Grande Jones" Ariana smiles "why can't she just be a jones" Hayley Asks "because I'm Grande and grande is my grandfathers name" Ariana says "I thought you was a fan" Jake chuckles "if Ariana wanted her to just be Grande I would be happy with that" Jake smiles handing her a coffee.

"Mum do you want anything" Jake Asks "Can I have a coffee please" sam smiles Hayley" Jake Asks "water please" she smiles and Jake nods. "Ariana do you want some food" Jake Asks "please" Ariana smiles and he nods.

"How you sleeping" Sam Asks "I slept last night for a while but not that great" Ariana looks to her. "Do you want to hold" Ariana Asks "I can see your happy it's okay" Sam tells her smiling at the poor girl who hasn't had the easiest of time in the last few years.

Ariana smiles handing her Ellie and sitting back down. "How long are you stitches in" Sam Asks "they said they should dissolve in 10 days but to go back if they don't" Ariana explains.

"I'm never having a baby if I need stitches in my vagina" Hayley states "having Ellie was the best day of my life" Ariana tells Hayley as Hayley snuggles into Ariana.

"Yeah but I bet this part isn't good" Hayley says "she's been out of me for four days it's not going to be easy my body has to come back down but it sort of get easier" Ariana tells her.

"Can I stay here and help with the baby" Hayley Asks "Hayley staying here isn't going to make me change on getting a job" Sam says.

Jake comes in and handed them both the drinks and Ariana her toast. "Jake can you tell your sister to get a job" Sam Asks "you need a job" Jake says looking at her.

"He's right Hayley you do" Ariana says "what do you want to do" Ariana asks her "I don't know I love children" Hayley shrugs "and you have no idea" Ariana Asks and Hayley shakes her head.

"Why don't you looks for babysitting" Ariana suggests "and no" she adds "but why" Hayley pouts "because you'll want like a grand of Ariana for like an hours work and I'm not letting my wife pay you" Jake says making Ariana giggle.

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