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Jake sneaks up behind Ariana and covers her mouth making her freak out and turn around wrapping her self in his arms. "don't do that to me" she slaps him "sorry beautiful" he kisses her head. "where are the kids" Ariana asks "gave them away to your mum she really wanted them for the night" he pouts "i-i never got to give them a kiss" Ariana sniffs "im joking your mum took them to the zoo and shes bringing them back tonight" Jake says "i actually hate you" Ariana rolls her eyes.

"Mason got hold of your ring before" Jake says "and" she asks "i rescued it for you" he tells her making her smile kissing his lips. "good because I really dont like not having it on" Ariana pouts "you have another one on" he laughs "yeah but it feels so weird this ring means nothing to me your does" Ariana replies. 

"when are you done" Jake asks "one more scene for me today which is soon and then im free" Ariana says "and when this film is over im taking you all somewhere for a weekend because i want to" Ariana says making Jake nod kissing her lips.

"Aria-." Sam trails off "whats up" Ariana asks her fake husband. "your needed" he smiles "okay in coming" Ariana says walking away from Jake.

Jake sits down on Ariana's chair and scrolls through his phone.  It wasn't too long before she came back. "stop stalking my instagram" Ariana says "why your my wife" he pouts "because you have gone really far back" she says getting changed. "yeah but look at you" he says making Ariana rolls her eyes. "come on can we go home"

"one more week on set" Ariana says falling into Jakes arms "i know baby ill be glad when i can have you back" he twirls her around making her giggle "me sleepy" she yawns "you sounded like Ellie then" Jake says picking her up and taking her to bed. He gently places her down and tucks her in. "have a nice nap cutie" he kisses her head before leaving her to sleep.

He walks down the stairs doing some washing to pass some time and help his wife out a little bit.

Ellie comes through the door and pouts "daddy i thought mummy would be back" Ellie says "shes sleeping baby girl" Jake says "okay im going to play" Ellie says and Jake nods taking Mason.

Jake walks up to Ellies room and sighs as she wasn't in there which meant she had disturbed her mother. He walks to the bedroom and smiles at them both cuddled up asleep together. He decided to leave them be since Ellie had wrapped her self around her mother and if he wake up he would wake Ariana and Ariana did need sleep.

"come on baby boy lets have some playtime" Jake smiles grabbing some toys and his teddy bear since that was his new comfort and loved it everywhere with him. He loved times like this with each one of his kids obviously Ellies play time was a lot more advanced than what Masons play time was.

Mason puts a shape in a hole and claps his hands making Jake clap for him "my clever boy" Jake smiles. "your getting so big" Jake gasps helping him stand up. Mason bounces slightly making Jake chuckle and smile at his cuteness.

"why was Ellie asleep next to me" Ariana asks carrying her tired little girl down the stairs "she came in and was sad you were asleep so I guessed she came up and got in with you" Jake says while changing Masons bum. "Ellie baby come on" Ariana rubs her back. "mummy my tummy really really really hurts" Ellie says holding on to her. "you want the toilet" Ariana asks rubbing her back in gentle circles and Ellie nods. Ariana carries her baby girl to the toilet and Ellie sits down. "when did your tummy begin to hurt baby" Ariana asks "when I was with grandma" Ellie sniffs "but right at the end when she was bringing me home and then i fell asleep" Ellie says holding her mummy's hand. "oh baby" Ariana pouts.

"I brought you some water" Jake says "thanks baby" Ariana smiles to him handing the cup to Ellie. "can I have a bath" Ellie asks "of course you can but Mason needs one too so let me bath him first okay" Ariana asks and Ellie nods "its okay mummy I know Mason goes sleep before me" Ellie says making Ariana smile.

"I think im finished" Ellie says "you think" Ariana asks "im done" Ellie says and Ariana nods helping her before letting Ellie pull up her pants and wash her hands.

Ariana walks out with her and Ellie runs and gives her dad a hug. "love you" Ellie smiles "love you too" Jake smiles kissing her head. Jake hands Ariana Mason before Jake picked Ellie up. "you bath him and ill sort some clothes out for him" he smiles and Ariana nods taking her one year old to the bathroom to run a bath.

"daddy can we have takeaway" Ellie asks "of course we can" Jake kisses her cheek. "you want to be carried" Jake asks and Ellie nods. "can I go on your back daddy" Ellie asks "okay" he puts her down. Ellie stands on the couch and Jake bends down. "you on" Jake asks "yes" she giggles as he carries her through the house. "what should Mason wear" Jake asks "this" Ellie says making Jake check the size. "we need to sort though this, pick another baby girl from this pile" Jake says making Ellie pick another one. "thats cute i think mummy will like it" Jake says as Ellie grabs a nappy too and places them down when Jake told her too.

i wanna re write one of my old books which one would you like ?

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