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"baby get the door" Ariana calls since she had her two little ones cuddled into her on the sofa. "since when did you give birth" Jake asks making Ariana smile. "hey" Hayley smiles walking in with her baby boy. "oh mg god hi" Ariana stands up.

"can I hold" Ariana asks and Hayley nods handing him over. "hes so cute. why didnt you tell us you were giving birth" Ariana asks "because we wanted to keep it quiet only me and Callum knew" Hayley says. "oh okay" Jake smiles. "whats his name" Ariana asks "Noah" Hayley smiles "thats cute." ariana replies handing him back to his mother.

"we do have a question for you" Hayley asks "and whats that" Ariana asks "can we move in here for a month or so" she asks "of course you can but why" Ariana asks confused "Hayley is everything okay" Jake asks, ever since they fell out with there mum a few years ago. Jake became really protective of his little sister.

"our house got broken into and I dont want to stay there" Hayley says "omg of course you can stay here" Ariana gives her a hug. "as long as you don't mind grumpy Ariana" he says "why you grumpy" Hayley asks looking at her "im not this one just making stuff up" Ariana chuckles. "oh by the way you have to get used to them being loved up" Hayley tells Callum and he nods.

"what you saying about my mummy and daddy" Ellie asks "just that they love each other very much" Hayley smiles sitting next to Ellie and giving her a hug.

"MUMMY" Mason cries making Ariana go find him. "baby boy im here its okay" Ariana says bending down allowing him to run into her arms. "want a bath" Ariana asks "with you" he asks "sure why not" Ariana smiles taking his hand and going up the stairs to the bathroom.

"that draw there" Ariana points "how did you know" Callum asks "I know Hayley" Ariana chuckles running a bath. "Callum will you get Jake for me" Ariana asks and Callum nods taking the sheets downstairs.

"Jake Ariana wants you" he smiles making him nod going to find her. "whats wrong princess" Jake asks "my back hurts and Mason wants me to bath with him can you try getting him to go with you" Ariana asks "sure i can try" Mason says kissing her head.

"Hi my little man" Jake smiles picking him up giving him a cuddle. "do you think you can bath with me and not mummy" he asks "why" Mason asks "mummy's back hurting and she was wondering if it was okay for me to get in with you so she can go rest" he explains.

"okay" Mason says "good boy" Jake smiles kissing his head "love you daddy" he smiles "I love you too" he smiles carrying him to the bathroom.

"go rest baby" he pecks Ariana's lips and she nods walking downstairs and sitting on the sofa. "Ellie baby stay there" Ariana says as Ellie goes to move. "mummy are you okay" Ellie asks "my backs just hurting thats all" Ariana says "why don't you take some medication" Hayley says "I cant Im pregnant" Ariana says before covering her mouth.

"NOOOOOO" Ellie screams making Ariana take her had and hold her. "your still going to be my girl" Ariana rubs her back "mummy no I dont want another sibling" she sobs "baby girl your getting one but we wont leave you out" Ariana says kissing her head.

"okay" Ellie sits back down. "i love you so much" Ariana rubs her back "so a new one to add to your family how many week" Hayley asks "7 weeks im not that far" Ariana giggles "why dont you go have a sleep" Hayley says "because my two munchkins like when im awake" Ariana smiles playing with Ellies hair.

"actually can you have a girl so i have someone to play with Mason is boring he likes boy toys" Ellie asks "I dont know if I can give you a sister" Ariana says making Ellie pout. "daddy wants a boy though" Ariana says "he is a boy" Ellie giggles "what do you want" Ellie asks "I dont know either would be nice" Ariana says kissing her head.

"have a kid" Jake says handing Mason to Ariana. "was your bath good with daddy" Ariana asks and Mason nods climbing next to Ariana and sitting down. "he's changed so much" Hayley says "I know he has he's a proper toddler now" Ariana smiles.

"hows my girls back" Jake asks as he climbs into bed. "I guess its okay it still hurts but its expected" Ariana says "im just worried about you with you only being 7 weeks and you already have back pain when you have nothing in there" Jake says "it might just be a one off till i get further along" Ariana says and Jake nods kisses her head.

"come on lets go sleep" he smiles as Arian lays her head on her pillow. "i love you" she smiles "I love you too" 

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