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"come on sweetheart" Joan says "no I cant leave him" Ariana sobs "go and see your kids sweetheart they need you they will be confused" Joan tries to reason with her. "Ill stay and call you if anything happened i promise" Joan says and Ariana nods.

"Hayley where is mummy" Ellie asks confused coming down the stairs. "She is with your dad. I dont know what happened but he is in hospital" Hayley gives her a hug. "oh" she pouts walking back upstairs and climbing back into bed.

"should I go" Hayley asks Callum and Callum nods. Hayley walks up the stairs to Ariana's room which was surprisingly tidy. "Ellie sweetheart" Hayley says climbing into the bed. "i dont want daddy to die" Ellie sobs "daddy isnt going to die" Hayley rubs her back.

"mummy told me he was working away" Ellie sniffs "baby girl he was he was coming home last night and then your mum got a phone call saying that he was in hospital" Hayley explains and Ellie nods.

"this house is very silent" Ariana says "Ellie is in bed" Callum says holding Mason. "hi my boy" Ariana says kissing his cheek after taking him.

"we didn't know when he napped so Hayley wouldn't let him sleep before" Callum says "he naps around about now" Ariana says and Callum nods.

"come on baby boy mummy will out you down for a nap" she strokes his hair before walking up to his room and placing him into the cot. He stands up "baby boy come on good boy" Ariana says as he lays down.

Ariana leaves the room and goes to her room. "mummy" Ellie smiles jumping out of bed and hugging her "hi baby" Ariana picks her up. "is daddy okay" Ellie asks making Ariana sit down with her.

"daddy was in a car crash." Ariana says "how bad" Hayley asks "he has a cut on his face and hurt his ankle and is still unconscious" Ariana says "so is he going to be okay mummy can i come and see him" Ellie asks "not yet baby" Ariana says.

"how bad was the crash" Hayley asks "he is lucky because the car is messed up" Ariana says making Hayley nods. "Ill buy him a new one if he wants a car like that again" Ariana says rubbing Ellies back.

"you spoil him you know" Hayley says "I know but I love him so I like to spoil him" Ariana smiles "it just makes me sad because something happened which made him come home last night" Ariana sighs "oh"

"hows your tummy today baby" Ariana asks Ellie "its okay" Ellie smiles kissing her cheek. "but I want you to go and be with daddy" Ellie says "grandma is with him right now" Ariana says "Joan" Hayley asks and Ariana nods. "I know I need to let his mum know but theres no way she would answer me and she would make it so uncomfortable for me" Ariana says "I mean your his wife and thats all they ask for now your his next of kin" Hayley says and Ariana nods.

"there going to wake him up tomorrow" Ariana says looking up from her phone "thats good"

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