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"daddy mummy is kissing another man" Ellie says making Jake look up. "its okay its just acting" Jake kisses her head. "im confused" Ellie says "mummy is staring in a movie and she is someone else's husband but its okay because mummy doesn't love that man" Jake says "okay" Ellie says Ariana comes over to them and Ellie hugs her.

"you know you can go home and not make these two bored" Ariana says "I want to stay" Ellie says making Jake chuckle "but no kissing more of him you should kiss daddy" Ellie says "now" Ariana asks and Ellie nods. Ariana chuckles kissing Jakes lips. "Ellie baby I dont love that man" Ariana says "but you kissed him" she sniffs climbing into her lap. "come on Ill take you over to him" Ariana says making Ellie take her hand and follow her mother.

"Sam my little girl wants to meet you" Ariana says "urm hi" Ellie says cuddling her mothers leg. "Hi cutie" he smiles down to her. "okay I like him" Ellie says making Ariana chuckle. "anyway this little girl thinks your taking me away from daddy" Ariana says picking her up. "never your mother lives your daddy so much" Sam says "okay" Ellie nods.

"Ariana your needed" the director says "Ellie go back to daddy" Ariana says "I cant see him" Ellie says "Ill take her" Sam says "no its okay" Ariana says taking her with her. "daddy" Ellie says running off making Ariana look to see where she was going.

Ariana walks through the door and Jake looks to her coming over to her and picking her up. "hi mummy" Ellie smiles "hi baby" Ariana mumble back laying her head on his shoulder as he carried her through the house. "daddy can I have this" Ellie asks making him look what she had. "of course" Jake smiles "Im going to run you a bath" Jake says placing her down on the sofa. Mason crawls over to her and Ariana picks him up for a snuggle. "mummy loves you" Ariana smiles kissing his lips.

"mama" he smiles "hey baby" Ariana smiles "hes been saying that all day I think he missed you" Jake says "I miss you too" Ariana smiles. Jake comes over to Ariana and unzips her boots sliding them off her feet. "thank you" Ariana smiles "your welcome princess" he pecks her head.

"well your bath is ready so go and relax" Jake says taking Mason and placing him back to the floor to play. Ariana stands up and walks to the bathroom and got undressed before climbing in.

"daddy is mummy okay" Ellie asks "she is baby she just is tired." Jake says giving her a hug. "but if she is tired why doesn't she sleep" Ellie asks confused "because shes a mummy and mummys dont get sleep like that" Jake says "i love you" Ellie smiles kissing his lips "I love you too more than anything in the world" he smiles "more than mummy" she asks "more than mummy" Jake says making Ellie run off to the bathroom.

"yes my little princess" Ariana asks "daddy loves me more than you" Ellie says "can i get in" she adds making Ariana nod wanting cuddled off her little girl. Ellie gets unchanged and Ariana took her hand as she climbed in. Ariana knew there was going to be a time when Ellie wouldn't do this so she didn't mind treasuring this moment.

"I love you more than daddy" Ariana says "now im confused." Ellie says "if me and daddy were to fall out. we would care about you and mason. we would put you two first because your our main priority" Ariana explains. "so mummy and daddy do love each other" Ellie says and Ariana nods. "we love each other so much but you and Mason come first" Ariana says "we do baby girl" Jake says making them both jump.

"I love mummy so much" Jake smiles kissing Arianas lips "but mine and mummys love is different to what mine and your love is" he explains "wheres our son" Ariana asks "asleep" Jake says and Ariana nods.

"okay" Ellie says "you two are adorable together" he smiles "duh im mummy" Ellie says "your half me too" Jake says "nope" Ellie shakes her head giggling "okay sassy pants im not your daddy then" Jake says "Jake" Ariana says "daddy please I love you" Ellie says climbing out the bath into his arms "thanks for getting me wet" he pouts holding her "your my daddy im half you" Ellie says "Ellie baby calm down its okay Im your daddy" he rubs her wet back.

Ariana stands up climbing out snd wrapping her self in a towel. "come on princess lets go get you dry" Jake says kissing her head. "go get dressed baby" Jake smiles to Ariana as he carried Ellie to get a towel. "love you" Ellie says "I love you too" Jake smiles placing her to the floor in her bedroom and rubbing her dry. "these ones daddy" Ellie says "okay" Jake smiles helping her get then on.

"come here let me brush your hair" Jake says "but it didn't get wet" Ellie says "i know baby but it still needs brushing" Jake says making Ellie stand in front of him. "damn your hair is long" Jake says making Ellie giggle. "can I go play now" Ellie asks making Jake nod.

Jake walks off to his bedroom and smiles to Ariana who was looking for something to wear. "just pick something angel" he smiles "you pick" she pouts falling on to the bed. Jake chuckles walking to her draw and picking out a top and shorts and throwing them to her.

Ariana gets changed and Jake picks her up. "love you" he smiles "love you too" Ariana kisses his lips.

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