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"Are you sure your going to be able to perform tonight Ariana" Scooter asks holding back her hair as she threw up into the toilet. "I'll be fine" Ariana says "does Jake know your not well" He asks and Ariana nods wiping her mouth and rinsing her mouth before walking past scooter.

"Ariana we can cancel if you want" Scooter says "no its okay Ill be okay" Ariana says and Scooter nods following her to keep an eye on her since he was worried about her. "Ariana Im booking Your plane after the show to get you back to your husband" Scooter says "okay" Ariana says sitting down since she needed a rest.

"Daddy can we go shopping" Ellie asks "we can go and buy mummy a gift since shes done so well to perform tonight since shes sick" Jake suggests and Ellie nods her head sitting down to put her shoes on.

"Love you daddy" Ellie smiles as she gets into the car. "I Love you too" Jake smiles kissing her cheek making sure she was fastened in
Before driving them to a shop.

"Can we get mummy a ring" Ellie asks "sure baby lets go look" Jake smiles taking her into a ring shop. "Cool" Ellie says looking at them all. "They all shinny" Ellie smiles making Jake bend down beside her "they are" Jake smiles "so which one do you want to get your mummy" he asks her letting her look at every single ring.

"Mummy does not need an engagement ring shes already married to me" Jake chuckles "this one daddy" Ellie points making Jake look at the ring snd smile "the one with the pink heart diamond in it" Jake asks and Ellie nods. "Do you know her size" the lady asks "duh shes my wife" Jake says giving her the size before she went and got it for them. "£8960 please" she smiles lightly. "Daddy thats too much money" Ellie covers her mouth making Jake chuckle at her and pay for it anyway. "Thank you" Jake smiles to the lady and she nods. "Ellie baby mummy and daddy have money its okay" Jake says kissing her cheek.

"Now where Ellie" Jake asks "I got my gift what about you daddy" Ellie asks taking his hand. "What makes mummy feel better when shes sick" Jake asks "you" ellie giggles "and a comfy bed and blankets and food" Ellie says and Jake nods taking her into a shop that did nice bedding Ariana liked to buy. "This blanket daddy" Ellie hands it to him. "Ellie were shopping for mummy but you can have it" Jake says before hearing his phone go and seeing Scooter on the screen. "Ellie baby can you go get a basket and do not leave the shop" he says and Ellie nods

"Hi Scooter is everything okay" Jake asks keeping an eye on his baby girl. "Im making Ariana come home after the show i have a flight booked for 12 so she will arrive in around 2." Scooter says "okay Ill come and pick her up" Jake says smiling to his little girl who came back and put the stuff in the basket for him. "Is she okay" Jake asks "shes thrown up the whole time shes been here. But she still wants to perform" Scooter says "okay I need to go Ellie needs a wee and were shopping" Jake says "okay bye" Scooter says.

Jake rushes Ellie to the store bathroom and lets Ellie use the toilet.

My Angel ❤️
Hi princess. See you tonight. Have a good performance and hope you the best. I love you and sorry that your are sick. ❤️❤️❤️.

Jake smiles pressing send in messages making sure Ellie washed her hands before they left to carry on shopping. "What about this blanket for mummy" Ellie asks holding up a light grey silver type blanket "mummy will love that put it in" Jake smiles "now what we need" Ellie asks "bedding" he smiles making her walk over to the bedding section. "What colour daddy" Ellie asks. "White, black, grey any plain colours that isn't really girly since daddy has to share this bed too" Jake says making Ellie nod.

Jake putting in a rose gold one since he could deal with that and Ariana liked the colour. "This one daddy" Ellie asks "no baby mummy will want to be sick at the colour" he chuckles at her making her look again and find a cute one which Jake agreed before buying what they had bought and heading home.

"Right Ellie we give mummy these tomorrow as she gets home early hours so wont want to open them yet" Jake says and Ellie nods going to get a drink.

Jake meets Ariana off the plane. She walks down the stairs and tried so hard to run into his arms but fails as she really couldn't and had no energy. He gently picks her up as they meet and he pecks her lips softly before holding her. "I love you. Congratulations on your award and getting through the performance." He rubs her back taking her suitcase off Scooter and carrying her to the car. "Baby girl I need to put you in the car" Jake says "I love you" Ariana crocks out letting go of Jake "I love you too lets get you home" be tells her fastening her in before driving them home.

"Thank you Hayley" Jake smiles to his sister "your welcome" Hayley smiles grabbing her keys and leaving. Jake carries Ariana up to bed and changed her into pyjamas and tucks her in climbing next to her and falling asleep.

Jake woke up at 8am and looks to his wife sleeping peacefully next to him. He creeps off the bed before leave the room shutting the door and walking downstairs "morning princess" Jake smiles to Ellie who was sat on the iPad. "Morning Daddy me hungry" Ellie "Okay baby daddy will make you something to eat" Jake smiles making Ellie get up and sit on the stood where she eats breakfast.

"Is mummy home daddy" Ellie asks "she is baby is that why you didn't wake me" Jake asks and Ellie nods "you said mummy sick and needs rest and I didn't want to wake her" Ellie smiles thanking her dad for the food.

"Good afternoon" Jake smiles to Ariana who came down the stairs and crawls into his arms. "Who's are the gifts" Ariana asks looking at the bag giving Ellie a hug and a kiss. "Your mummy" Ellie smiles making Ariana lean across for the bag. "What are these for" Ariana asks "because your sick and wasn't with us we wanted to get you something"Ellie smiles "before you look through the bag" Jake asks making Ariana look to him "how you feeling" he asks "still sick but I haven't been sick yet" Ariana smiles and he nods letting her open the bag. Ariana pulls out the blanket and instantly ripped off the cardboard and wraps it around her "Ellie picked everything but the rose gold bedding" he adds making Ariana smile even more pulling out the bedding Jake picked. "I'm surprised you got this is pinky" Ariana says "I can deal with it" he smiles kissing the side of her head as she picked out the bedding Ellie picked "cute" Ariana smiles to Ellie who smiles back.

She pulls out the little box putting the bag to the floor and opening it. "You like it mummy" Ellie asks and Ariana nods sliding it onto her finger and giving Ellie a bug hug and kiss.

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