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Jake walks into the house and Ariana stands up going to see if he was okays "your back I thought you had rehearsals all day" Jake Asks "I have had one today. I'm used to the stuff now so I don't need to be there long" Ariana replies and Jake nods kissing her cheek.

"I think you need to go to the doctors baby" Ariana tells him "why" Jake Asks "your depressed." Ariana says "I know what it's like I suffer you don't have to be so afraid" Ariana tells him. "Would you still love me" Jake Asks "of course I would still love you Jake. That basically me asking do you still love me because I suffer from anxiety" Ariana says making him kiss her lips. "I guess" Jake hugs her.

"I love you so fucking much Ariana" Jake tells her "I know you do. I love you too" Ariana takes his hand. "I guess I can go and see someone" he tells her making Ariana nod.

"Do you have to go on tour so soon" Jake pouts "I do. I can't cancel it" Ariana pouts kissing his lips. "I don't want to leave you but I know I have to it's my job" Ariana tells him and he nods.

"I know you have to do your job" he rubs her back kissing her head. "Well lets get takeaway and get to bed because you have a busy few weeks ahead" Jake picks her up making Ariana wrap her arms and legs around him. "I love you so much" Ariana looks at him.

"I love you too" Jake rubs her back "have you had any news when the funeral" Ariana asks and Jake shakes his head. "It's going to be when you go on tour" he says and Ariana pouts. "I'm sorry." Ariana kisses his cheek.

"Jake" Hayley comes into the room making Ariana get down. "Can I stay here mums being mean" Hayley Asks "of course you can but does mum know your here I don't want her worried about you" Jake Asks "well she told me to get lost" Hayley says making Jake message his mum letting her know she was safe.

Ariana gives her a hug rubbing her back. "How you feeling" Ariana asks "I'm okay." Hayley kisses her cheek. Ariana smiles letting her go.

"How you feeling" Hayley Asks her brother "I'm going to be okay" Jake tells her. "Go and get clean and me and Ariana will order takeaway and watch a film together" Jake tells his sister and she nods going to shower.

Jake kisses Ariana's lips before ordering food. "I'm going to get changed" Ariana smiles and Jake nods his head.

"If you want my top you like it's on top of the dryer" Jake tells her and Ariana nods.

"Ariana" Hayley says making Ariana jump. "Oh I didn't realise you were getting changed" Hayley turns away. "It's okay what you want" Ariana asks changing. "Can I talk to you" Hayley Asks.

"Sure but if it serous I will need to tell your brother" Ariana asks and Hayley nods. Ariana walks with her to Hayley's room and sits down on her bed.

"I had sex" Hayley says "unprotected" Ariana asks and Hayley nods. "Hayley I thought you were better than this but I'll help you" Ariana says "Jakes at work tomorrow okay we will talk more then" Ariana asks and Hayley nods.

"What if I am pregnant Ariana" Hayley Asks "we will get through this and if you are then I know your mum and brother will support you with your decision" Ariana takes her hand and Hayley nods.

"I think Jake wants us" Hayley says and Ariana nods. Ariana stands up. "I wouldn't say your showing any signs of being pregnant so i think your okay." Ariana kisses her head and Hayley nods.

They both walk down to Jake and Ariana smiles. Jake takes Ariana's hand and twirls her around. "Stop being cute" Hayley rolls her eyes.

"I love you so much" Ariana kisses give cheek. "Stop" Hayley whines "Hey she's going to be my wife" Jake says turning her around and holding her to his chest. "Why can't we be cute" Ariana Asks "because it makes me sick" she giggles.

"There's some money on the side. Pay for the food" Ariana asks trying to get out of Jakes arms and Hayley nods. "I love you but can you please let me go" Ariana Asks "and your knee is pressing against me" Ariana says. Jake let's her go and Ariana kisses his lips.

Ariana dishes up the food "I'm gonna start cooking when I get home" Ariana says "you know im glad you met Ariana" Hayley tells Jake "now your glad I'm here" Ariana giggles "why" Jake Asks "because I get to see how a famous person lives. She's human" Hayley chuckles "I am human but I do get where she's coming from" Ariana giggles "I'm sure your not human your fucking perfect" Jake asks "I'm human" Ariana giggles.

"I know why people think I'm not though. Like some of my fans will never get to see me and it's like I'm just a figure" Ariana says and Jake nods "I guess I'll never really know what a fan thinks because I'm not a fan" Ariana says eating a bit of the salad.

"I need to go shop when we have finished this will you two be okay" Jake Asks "we will be fine" Ariana smiles "I'm 25 im sure I can be an adult" Ariana says making Jake smile.

"What does it say" Ariana asks "negative" Hayley smiles making Ariana hug her. "Now who's this boy called" Ariana asks throwing the stick away. "Jake will see that" Hayley says "he'll think it's me" Ariana says and Hayley nods.

"He is called Harry" Hayley smiles "double H" Ariana says making Hayley roll her eyes. "Are you with this boy" Ariana asks and Hayley nods "your like my sister I can tell you anything right" Hayley Asks and Ariana nods "of course you can" Ariana tells her. "I'm scared to tell my mum" Hayley says "don't be. I know it's scary. You think they will hate it and be so protective which yeah they are but they learn to accept it. My mum hates most of my ex's even when I was with them but she grows slightly on them" Ariana explains "so your mum hates my brother" Hayley Asks "she loves him. But I never know with my mum because she likes to see me happy. She does tell me if she doesn't like them and thinks there bad for me and she hasn't about Jake so I take that as a good thing" Ariana smiles. "What about Malcolm." Hayley Asks nervously. "Malcolm. My mum loved him. My whole family did. We never stoped loving him. We all broke when he passed" Ariana tells her making Hayley hug her.

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