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Ariana walks in through her front door and Sam and Joan look at her. Ariana runs off to be sick. "Where she go" Jake Asks "to be sick" Sam says making Jake go and find her.

"I missed" Ariana pouts "it's okay I'll clean it" Jake tells her rubbing her back. Ariana stands up and washes her mouth out as Jake cleans the floor.

Jake picks Ariana up and carries her out to family. "Oh sweetheart" Joan pouts hugging her daughter. "I'll be okay mama" Ariana says "at least you have a good man here to look after you" she smiles and Ariana nods "I do" Ariana smiles.

"Since this one needs some rest well let you two be" Sam says and Jake nods hugging Ariana. "I'm tired" Ariana yawns "come on then we'll go to bed" Jake rubs her back locking the door and going up to bed with her.

Ariana changed and climbs into bed "yay" Ariana cheers "what" Jake Asks Turing round to look at her "Sorry this bends just comfy" she giggles making Jake smile.

Jake climbs in next to her and flushed some hair from her face. "Your beautiful even when your sick" Jake smiles kissing her soft lips gently. "You know that your the best person anyone could ask for to be married to. A lot of people wouldn't be this happy about coming home early on a honeymoon" Ariana says "I think I'm the second best person to you" Jake tells her "who's my first" Ariana asks "as if you even have to ask my that questions. Who did you want to marry in all the world and be realistic" Jake says "Malcolm" she pouts and Jake nods "I know I'll never be able to fill his shoes Ariana." Jake rubs her back.

Ariana snuggles into his chest falling asleep.

Jake wakes up and looks to Ariana who hadn't moved one bit. She was still tucked in his chest. Jake grabs his phone and sigh at the argument that was going on, on twitter about Ariana.

Ariana starts to move and Ariana looks up to Jake. "Morning" Ariana smiles "morning baby how you feeling" Jake Asks "shit" Ariana says "oh baby" Jake pouts "I may call and see if I can get an appointment with us being back" Ariana yawns "then we might be able to help your sickness" he smiles "and I wanna come since I missed out on the last one you had" Jake says "well the last one was a secret" she giggles.

"But these next 2 weeks your still not aloud to do work" Jake says "I'm happy with that" Ariana smiles "that counts for me too. Were still on our honeymoon just in our own home" Jake smiles and Ariana nods.

Ariana sits up and grabs her phone. "I might call my cleaner get them to clean through the whole house and then we can just keep on top of it" Ariana sighs looking around the place. "I'm happy with what your happy with but please make it when we're out I don't like having to move around" Jake Asks "well if I get a baby appointment I will" Ariana tells him kissing his lips before making a call.

Ariana ends the call and looks to Jake "2 hours" Ariana says and Jake nods. "Well I'm going to run you a bath" Jake smiles "extra bubbly" Ariana asks "of course for my queen" Jake smiles walking into the bathroom.

"You buy some crazy shit" Jake comes out with the bubbles "there bubbles" Ariana asks "since when did they have colour" Jake Asks "Since I found them now shut up and just put some in the bath" Ariana chuckles. Jake walks back into the bathroom and tips some into the bath.

He gets a towel for her before Ariana stands up and goes into the bathroom. "Thanks baby" Ariana smiles. Jake lifts her top over head "you slept in no underwear" Jake Asks "yeah is that a problem" Ariana asks "no it's just not like you but you were tired" he helps her into the bath.

"Hello" Jake Anderson the phone before letting out a groan as it was work. "Just because I'm home doesn't mean I'm going to come into work. My wife is very sick and I promised I would still be with her and stay off work till I said I would" Jake says ending the call.

Ariana looks up to Jake and pouts her lips. Jake smile leaning down and giving her a kiss. "When did you find out you were 8 weeks" Jake Asks "I'm not sure" Ariana shrugs washing her body.

"Your so cute" Jake says "hey don't take photos of me in the bath" Ariana pouts "but you look cute" Jake pouts showing her the photo. "Fine but no posting that" She giggles "don't want my girls naked bath photo around the internet anyway" he rolls his head kissing her lips as she stood up.

He hands her a towel and Ariana wraps her self into it. "You know the worst thing about being famous is the fact I have to keep this a secret" Ariana says "your not showing yet your fine" Jake smiles "I know but when I do I'll have to come out about it" Ariana giggles "there no way I'm staying in doors just because I have a baby bump" she giggles making Jake hug her. "Stop ranting and enjoy life for a moment" he chuckles "my head doesn't like enjoying life" she looks up to him.

"Come on well go check baby out and then go shopping" Jake suggests "I can deal with that" Ariana smiles getting changed. "No heels" Jake says "that's defiantly gonna start rumours I'll only wear little ones" Ariana says "okay" he smiles.

Ariana puts on some shoes before they head to the doctors appointment while her cleaner worked round the house.

"I'm never going to drive again am I" Ariana giggles "I will let you drive at some point but right now I don't want you being sick at the wheel" he chuckles "shut up" Ariana giggles.

They arrive at the clinic and Ariana sighs her self in shortly after she was called and they both head to the room.

"The fathers here this time" the lady smiles and Jake nods "he is indeed" Ariana smiles "well congratulations on the marriage" she smiles "thank you" Ariana smiles.

Jake wanted memories so he took some photos before sitting next to Ariana and taking her hand. "I thought you two would be on your honeymoon" Daisy (midwife) Asks "we came home because I can't stop throwing up" Ariana says.

"Drink plenty of fluids and keep eating" Daisy says "all I do is drink and wee" Ariana pouts "does she eat a lot of junk food" Daisy Asks Jake "no she's a health freak" Jake chuckles "Your just an unlucky one though but I can tell you your 12 weeks pregnant so your just leaving your 1st trimester" daisy smiles "does that mean I'll stop being sick" Ariana groans "you could do but this could last till your 20 weeks" Daisy explains wiping the he'll of her stoamch

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