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4 years later
"Mummy daddy" Ellie walking into their bedroom early hours of the morning. Ariana opens her eyes and opens her arms for her little girl. Ellie ran into them and climbed into the middle of them cuddling into Ariana.

Jake wakes up and cuddled Ellie with Ariana as they all fell back asleep.

Ariana smiles waking up to a family cuddle. Well she was the only one who was awake. "We need a boy" Jake mumbles in his sleep and her little girl hugging her arm.

"I love you princess" Ariana places a gentle kiss to her a head. "Mummy" she yawns "good morning" Ariana smiles "wake daddy" Ellie asks pointing to him. "Sure" Ariana smiles as Ellie crawls onto him.

He wakes up and pouts "good morning my princess he snuggles Ellie making her giggle. "We need to talk later" Ariana says "okay is everything okay" he asks and she nods.

"Come on breakfast time my babies" Ariana smiles getting up and going to make them all something to eat. Making them all pancakes and fruit on the side.

"Me sit next to mummy" Ellie whines  making Ariana giggle and sit next to her. "Can daddy not sit next to Ellie cor once" he pouts "no there" Ellie points making him nod and sot down.

""What we doing today" Ellie asks looking to her parents "we are going to get our hands moulded together" Ariana explains "cool" Ellie giggles. "Daddy too" Ellie asks "daddy too" Jake smiles. "Ill wash up and you two girls go and get changed" Jake smiles "my strawberry" Ellie asks and Ariana nods making Ellie eat it.

"Come on" Ariana smiles making Ellie stand up and go with her mama. "Mummy can i have straight hair today" Ellie asks "sure you can. I mean you have nice curls unlike mummy." ariana says "nooooo mummy your hair is beautiful" Ellie gasps "thank you baby I guess my hair is nice" Ariana smiles "is Daddy hair straight" Ellie asks "yup baby which is why you have a little of both" Ariana says "so is that why my hair isn't puffy like yours" Ellie asks holding onto her mums shoulders as Ariana helped her dress. "I look cute" Ellie spins making Ariana smile.

"Mummy time now" Ariana smiles as they both go to Arians room where she got changed. "Beautiful mummy" Ellie smiles sat on her mums bed as she did her make up. "Thank you princess" Ariana smiles . "Why don't you have your hair in a bun" Ariana suggests and Ellie nods.

Ariana finished herself up before doing Ellies hair. "Me see" Ellie says running to the mirror and smiling. "Thank you mama me go play" Ellie asks and Ariana nods. Jake smiles dodging his daughter who ran past him.

"You look adorable Mrs Grande Jones" Jake hugs Ariana. "Why thank you" Ariana kisses his lips. Ariana sits on the bed and Jake gets changed. "Baby please put some different jeans on" Ariana giggles "why" he asks "there small and you look like your hard" Ariana giggles not being able to contain her laughter. "Damn I need some new clothes" he whines "why dint we go shopping after we have had our hands moulded. I mean Ellie will complain but she does what we want to do" Ariana suggests. "I mean I do need some clothes so seems a good idea" he smiles changing his pants.

"Better" he asks and Ariana nods not being able to see his bulge anymore. Jake walks over to Ariana and sits on her. "Can you tell me if its good or bad what you need to talk to me about" Jake asks "you haven't hurt me or anything. I just need to address something stop worrying its nothing to worry about I promise" Ariana pecks his lips. "Cute" Ellie giggles stood in the door with her mamas phone. Ariana jumps off the bed and takes her phone. "Few" Ariana sighs "mummy I'm sorry" Ellie says "no no its okay I wasn't making sure you hadn't posted anything." ariana kisses her head and Ellie nods hugging her.

"Well now were all ready to go" he smiles and Ariana nods.

"Mummy daddy I'm bored" Ellie groans "were nearly done now" Ariana kisses her head and she nods leaning her head on Jake. Jake smiles using his free hand to hug his daughter.

Ellies hand was removed first then Ariana's and then Jakes. "Now what happens" Ellie asks "we fill it and it makes tour hand printed together" the lady smiles.

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