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"Mummy" Ellie asks walking over to her snd bending down and wiping her eyes. "Mummy whats wrong" Ellie asks "DADDY" Ellie screams making Ariana's heart break even more. "Daddy isn't here" Ariana sobs "daddy left" Ellies bottom lip wobbled.

"Im sorry baby" Ariana hugs her. "He gone gone" Ellie asks "he's not dead he walked out" Ariana sniffs. Ellie held her mother while she calmed down. "Mummy watch tv. Tv makes me better" Ellie says "okay baby" Ariana sniffs standing up and walking over to the sofa and cuddling her girl while they watched cinderella.

"Grandma" Ellie screams making Ariana wake up. "No Jake" Joan asks making Ariana cry. "What happened" Joan asks "Ellie sweetheart why don't you go play while I sort your mummy okay" Joan suggests "me make you picture" Ellie runs off.

Joan sits next to her daughter and rubs her back. "Ive been trying not to cry" Ariana sobs "he blames Ellie on me. Its like he's not happy that I had her" Ariana sniffs. "Ari baby he loves Ellie to the moon and back." Joan says "mum he called me a chest because I wanted Ellie more than him and we agreed to wait till after were married but it happened before then" Ariana sniffs "oh baby" Joan holds her.

"What am I supposed to tell Ellie. He just walked out and said fuck you" Ariana sniffs "you have to be honest with her. She wont understand fully but if you say he's on holiday and he comes to pick her up shell be more upset" Joan says.

"MUMMY" Ellie screams making Ariana jump up. She may be upset but nothing would stop her from taking care of her baby. Ariana runs to the bathroom and picks up her sick girl. "Daddy promised he would stay when Im sick" Ellie starts to get upset. "Shh I know baby I know. But mummy is here." Ariana rubs her back letting her calm down.

"I have so many interviews and promo for my album coming up this is not what I need" Ariana sighs "sorry mummy" Ellie says "baby girl not you I love you with all my heart you can be sick. I don't want you to be sick but Im your mother who will take care of you" Ariana says.

Ariana carried her out to the sofa where she sat down. "Baby girl, I'm not sure daddy will be home" Ariana says "but he always come home" Ellie asks confused "mummy and daddy had a fight" Ariana says making Ellie cover her mouth. "Im sorry mummy" she climbs onto her "me make you feel better" Ellie kisses her cheek.

Ariana smiles holding her girl.

"You called her a bloody cheat" Hayley ask her brother. "Yeah I didn't mean too. I know she didn't I know Ellie is mine" Jake sobs. Hayley looks at her brother and tried to hold back her laugh. She had never seen him cry so much.

"You should have seen her. I saw her heart break" Jake sniffs "duh she loves you Jake I've never seen her look to anyone like she does with you. You cant blame her for getting pregnant. You both wanted a baby after marriage and it came sooner you just wasn't as careful." Hayley explains "you were the one that made you come home from your honeymoon and you did promise her you both could have holiday you cant be mad at that" Hayley says. "I know" Jake sighs. "Go see her. Your baby girl is sick and probably wondering where you are."

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