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Ellie wakes up and climbs off the bed and walks to where her parents were before climbing on the bed and getting under the sheets cuddling into Ariana.

Jake wakes up a few hours later and freaks quickly getting him self changed. He was so confused why Ellie was even in there bed.

He knew Ariana was so protective over their kids seeing him with no clothes on especially Ellie which made him even more confused.

"why do we have Ellie" Ariana mumbles waking up "I was going to ask you the same thing" Jake says "Jake stop panicking she probably woke up and came and go in this bed and fell asleep" Ariana says rubbing Ellies back. "I was naked" he says "I know you were" Ariana says. "but we cant help the fact she is here now" Ariana says. "how did we not wake up" he asks "because we were tired" Ariana giggles.

Ellie began to stretch and open her eyes "good morning" Ariana looks at her "good morning" Ellie replies "why are you in this bed baby" Ariana asks "i had a scary dream and I wanted to be with you and I got in the bed and fell asleep" she pouts. "okay baby" Jake kisses her head.

"can mummy put some clothes on" Ariana asks "will you cuddle me again" Ellie asks "sure but on the sofa because i think daddy will be sad if we have stayed in bed" Ariana giggles and Ellie nods getting off the bed. Ariana gets changed and picks Ellie up since she wanted cuddles.

"are we just ordering room service" Jake asks "yeah let mason sleep in a little while longer" Ariana smiles sitting down. "want to go to the pool today Ellie" Jake asks "alone" she asks "no with me and mummy and your brother" Jake. says and Ellie nods.

Ellie falls asleep cuddled into her mum and Jake smiles. "maybe we should just stay inside today" Jake says "the pool isnt that much to do im sure she will want to go but she obviously is tired she wouldn't normally fall asleep soon after waking up" Ariana says and Jake nods.

"right Im going to shower" Jake says leaning down to kiss her lips "why" she pouts "because i need a shower" he says "your washing me off you" she chuckles "i can easily get you back on me" he smirks walking away before back with her phone to give her something to do.

Ariana smiles down to her girl as she cuddled into her. It was very rare that this happened so Ariana didn't mind staying.

Jake came out after his shower with his son.
"morning beautiful boy" Ariana smiles making Mason smile. "im going to order some room service so this one isn't too whiny" Jake says and Ariana nods.

"i love you" Ariana smiles as Jake swims over to her. "I love you too how is this little boy doing" he asks "he's just staying cuddled into me" Ariana smiles "i dont think he likes it that much" she adds "aww" he looks to him holding his arms from him and Mason shakes his head.
"baby boy its okay" Jake says kissing his head. "im going to go and take him in. You stay with Ellie" Ariana says climbing out and Jake nods going back over to Ellie.

Ariana carries her boy inside and gets him dry and warm before putting him down for a sleep. Ariana went and showered cleaning her self off before getting her self into some comfy clothes.

She decided to sit on her bed and watch a movie while she waiting for something to do.

Jake comes through the door and smiles to his wife sleeping on the bed and Mason sleeping. "come on lets get you clean" Jake takes her to the bathroom and helping her shower. "did you have fun at the pool" he asks and she nods kissing his cheek taking his hand as she climbs out the bath and to the floor where Jake helped her dry and get changed.

"why is mummy sleeping" Ellie asks "I dont know she was probably bored" Jake shrugs walking over to her and kissing her lips. "hey gorgeous girl" Jake smiles as ariana wakes up. "hi" Ariana smiles sitting up. Ellie climbs on the bed and snuggles next to her.

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