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"babe" Ariana moans rolling over to face Jake. "whats up princess" he asks smiling at her bed head. "im sore" she whines making him pout "want a bath my angel" he asks making her nod with a smile. "im sorry if I was too rough" he adds kissing her head "never" she smiles sweetly to him making him smile.

He walks into the bathroom they had and began to run the water. "they have these bubble you want them" Jake asks coming out the bathroom handing her the bottle. Ariana reads through them and nods. "yeah they will do" she giggles handing them back.

Since he had time to wait for the bath to run he decided to go keep his wife from falling back to sleep. "i remember when you hid your face under the sheets when i woke up so you could somewhat sort your hair out" he chuckles grabbing the brush and brushing her hair. "I soon learnt you didn't care what I looked like when I woke up" she smiles "of course I don't. If you woke up looking good I would be concerned you didn't sleep well" he gives her a quick peck. "go check my bath" she giggles.

Jake smiles climbing back off the bed and going to check the bath starting to run the cold tap to make sure he didn't burn her. "what do you want to do today" he asks her "stay here in the sheets and do nothing" she asks.

"what if I wanted to go for a walk" he asks "we can do that but then im coming back to the sheets" she giggles standing up from the bed. "AHH BABY" Ariana scream making him come out the bathroom and look at her on the floor "what you do" he asks picking her up "i forgot i was near the end of the bed" she pouts making him chuckle and carry her to the bathroom.

"my boobs look weird" Ariana frowns making Jake roll his eyes "whats wrong with them" he asks putting her down. "look" she frowns making him look at her "Ariana theres nothing wrong with them. You literally just have a red mark from where your arm was" he rolls his eyes taking her hand helping her into the bath.

Ariana sits down laying back and Jake sat beside her "be honest was I too rough" he asks "Jake we just never do it any more were just too busy" Ariana leans and kisses his lips. "and how you know I didn't sat i was sore to get you to run my a bath" she asks "i would run you a bath when ever you want you never have to make excuses so thats why i know" he sticks his tongue out at her.

"that skirt is too small for you" Jake rolls his eyes "but I wanna wear a skirt" she whines "not one that high" he pouts making Ariana pick another one and put it on. "i can deal with that" he smiles.

Ariana smiles before finishing her hair. Jake stands up and takes her hand "i love you" Ariana smiles "I love you too" he smiles grabbing the hotel key and walking out the room with her.

"Ellie sent me this" Ariana shoes Jake her phone. "there so messy" Jake chuckles "their our messy babies" she giggles.

"you want to go get something to eat" Jake asks and Ariana nods. Jake smiles leading her down to the beach. "where we going" she asks confused before seeing a little picnic laid out. "My friend lives out her and helped with this" he smiles sitting down. "its so cute" Ariana smiles sitting on his knee.

"your so quiet today" he asks "just taking everything in" she giggles.

They both began to eat the little snacks that Jake had brought before deciding to walk a little further. A few people smile at them making Ariana smile back lightly. "one thing i don't miss if being pestered" Ariana giggles "i thought you loved taking photos" he asks "I did but Its nice just being me and you enjoying time together" Ariana smiles up to him. Jake leans down and kisses her lips.

"Ill never get away fully from the cameras" she giggles "but can we go back" Ariana asks "of course"

Ariana smiles cuddling into him making him wrap his arm protectively around her. "want carrying" he asks "no im good" she smiles

When they arrive back Ariana climbs into bed. Jake chuckles "your adorable" he smiles walking over and kissing her head.

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