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Ariana climbs out the bed leaving Jake to sleep. Ariana walks down the stairs since her two little ones wasn't awake yet and made her self something to eat. "morning" Ariana smiles to Hayley "morning" she smiles feeding her little boy. "how are you finding motherhood" Ariana asks curiously "okay. i like the experience im having right now. everything is just so much better like i have something to work for now. when i go back to work after my maternity leave im going to be working for this little boy to provide him a good life." Hayley smiles "your too cute" Ariana giggles "i know" Hayley smirks.

"I like how we both let out boys stay in bed" Hayley giggles "your brother hates me for it" Ariana giggles "he always wants me to sleep in but I like waking up early" she adds "Callum goes back to work soon and i want him to sleep in since he insists on waking up ever night feed" Hayley chuckles "thats a good thing" Ariana says. "i know"

They both hear multiple thuds followed by crying. Ariana jumps up running over to her girl who had just fallen down the stairs "shh mummy has you its okay" Ariana holds her carrying her to the sofa before putting her down. "I hurt my head" Ellie cries "okay baby ill get you and ice pack" Ariana pecks her lips before going to the freezer and grabbing an ice pack and taking it back to her daughter.

"thank you" she sniffs "i love you princess it will be okay" Ariana strokes her cheek "i was too sleepy so i missed a step" Ellie says. "accidents happen" she says and Ellie nods.

"anyway now mummy gets to take care of you" Ariana smiles kissing her cheek. "but mummy has to take care of the baby" Ellie says looking up to her.

"mummy can take care of you too" Ariana tells her "okay" Ellie smiles kissing her mums lips. "is this one okay" Hayley asks "I am" Ellie smiles lightly.

"good morning" Jake smiles carrying down Mason on his hip. "good morning" Ariana smiles "oh what happened to this girl" Jake gasps "she fell down the stairs" Ariana says "are you okay" Jake asks "yes daddy i just hurt my head" Ellie says "oh my baby girl" he kisses her head.

"oh you want a cuddle from mummy" Ariana chuckles as Mason tries to climb up her. Ariana picks him up and gives him a cuddle. "i think Ariana wants a boy" Hayley says "i want a girl" Ariana says "but you have me" Ellie pouts "yeah and boy are disgusting" Ariana says "eww" Ellie giggles "so no boyfriends for you" Jake says "that means your not aloud to be mummy's boyfriend" Ellie says "Im mummys husband" Jake says "same thing" Ellie says.

"not really. Husband and Wife are more serious than a boyfriend and girlfriend. Even though you can spend your life together just as boyfriend and girlfriend it means so much more to get married" Ariana explains.

"so im disgusting" Jake asks "I just meant its easier for me to explain to a girl about a period than it is to a boy about boy stuff" Ariana says "if 16 year old Ellie came to me and was like i think my friend is pregnant i would know what to do. If 16 year old Mason came to me and said something a boy would do i would not be any help" Ariana says

"I mean you are disgusting you got your cum on the bed the other night and never cleaned it and i went to get in bed and it was horrible" Ariana says "well i mean it wasnt my fault my wife decided to throw up every where as i came" he backs himself up. "okay ill let you off" she says kissing his lips.

"i love you beautiful girl" he smiles "I love you too" Ariana smiles at him. "we have that premier party coming up soon" Ariana sighs "I know" he pushes some hair from her face. "it will be okay you have me to stop you stressing" he smiles kissing her nose.

"what would i do without you" she snuggles into him. "you would have fallen in love with another dick head who would have broken your heart" Jake says "i mean okay" Ariana chuckles.

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