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Ariana wakes up and groans. "Baby are you okay" Jake asks and Ariana pouts "I just need to wake up a little and I'm think I'm due" Ariana says and Jake nods. Joan comes into the room And smiles at the couple.

"Please" Ariana Asks "all I can do is ask she can say no" Ariana says "no mum stay" Ariana says and Joan nods "fine" Jake sighs.

"Mum" Ariana Asks "What you want" Joan chuckles at the tone of Ariana's voice. "You worked in business when I was a kid would you please help Jake so he doesn't loose his mind" Ariana asks "of course I will" Joan smiles.

"I'll help with what ever you want and need." Joan smiles to Jake. "Thank you miss grande" Jake says "please call me Joan" Joan chuckles making him nod. "Ariana go clean your self" Jake says looking under the sheets. "Sucks to be a girl" Ariana rolls her eyes getting off the bed.

Jake changed the sheets for her and went to check she was okay. "What" Ariana asks washing her face "just making sure your okay" Jake rubs her tummy. "I'm okay. I have the day off today but I need to go home" Ariana tells him. "Don't stay away from me because your on princess" he asks helping her dry her face.

"I'm not. I wish I could be with you but I need to to go home. I have some stuff to sort out for tour and shit and I said I would meet them and if I'm not here my mum will be more use if I'm not here" Ariana pecks his head "I love you I'll be back later"Ariana kisses his lips grabbing her stuff.

Ariana works with her team for a few hours making sure everything was read for her

Ariana heads back to Jakes and opens the door. "Hey beautiful" Jake smiles "hi" Ariana smile putting her keys down and looking in the fridge. "I hate you" Ariana pouts noticing he had had the last drink. "Sorry" Jake chuckles sliding his can to her making Ariana take a sip and hand it back.

"So how things going" Ariana Asks "your mums a legend" Jake says making Ariana smile wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his cheek. Joan takes a photo of them and Ariana looks at it.

"Can I post it" Ariana asks "you can but you have your ring in the photo" Jake says "if it comes out it comes out it will eventually" Ariana tells him and he nods.

Ariana posts the photo with the caption.

Love this man so much. Even when he's working 👨🏽‍🏫💻💼

Ariana places the phone down and looks at the screen. "Where did all your money come from" Ariana Asks a little shocked "your mum helped me sort everything out and stuff and because we expanded" Jake chuckles "Damn your doing well" Ariana smiles kissing his cheek.

"I don't even know what the business is so I shouldn't really be opening my mouth" Ariana chuckles "you've been to my office you know what it's about" Jake tells her "I always forget what you actually do but I know like some bits" Ariana says "and the time I came to your office you made me go sleep" Ariana adds making Joan chuckle.

"Since your both okay I'm going to go" Joan smiles kissing her daughters cheek. "Okay mum bye" Ariana smiles.

"Thank you" Jake smiles "for what" Ariana asks "getting your mum to help me" Jake tells her "I want you to be happy and I know you like to care for me and your stressed if your behind or so much to do so if you do both your not happy" Ariana tells him "and can we please go shopping but you have nothing in" Ariana asks and Jake nods.

"Won't it seem wired that we don't live together yet we buy food together" Jake Asks "I don't think so. I mean me and Malcolm never lived together we were like you and me now and we went shopping together" Ariana says and Jake nods kissing her cheek.

They drive to the food store and Ariana gets a trolly. Ariana grabs some food and they pay when there done and Jake got in the car ready to drive home when he got a call.

"Hello" Jake Asks "Jake it's grandma" Sam says making Jake Take Ariana's hand. "She's gone" Sam tells him "no" Jake says. "I'm sorry. We'll be at yours in an hour" Sam says "okay" Jake replies.

"What's happened" Ariana Asks "my grandmas died" Jake sniffs "Oh my I'm so sorry" Ariana tells him. "Come on swap seats I don't want you to drive like this" Ariana asks and Jake nods not wanting to risk her life.

Ariana sighs as paps get them. "Leave me the fuck alone" Ariana sighs getting in and driving them back to his.

They both go in and Ariana gets him a glass of water. Ariana sits next to him and rubs his back.

"My mum will probably be mad Your here" Jake sniffs "I cant leave you like this" Ariana pouts. "You want me to leave" Ariana asks and he shakes his head.

"Breath Jake" Ariana tells him sitting him up. "You want to know what helped me sleep when I was upset when someone died" Ariana asks and Jake nods "music" Ariana tells him. Jake grabs his phone and earphone and puts on some music.

He lays back down making Ariana lie on the bed. "Wake me if you need anything" Ariana asks and he nods. Ariana closes her eyes before begging pulled into his arms. Ariana cuddles into him since she was that close to him anyway and falls asleep.

Jake gently taps Ariana and she wakes up closing her eyes because of the sun. "How you feeling" Ariana asks "I don't know." Jake sighs rubbing her back. Ariana kisses his cheek.

"I'm here for you to talk to" Ariana tells him "you need to go to rehearsals" Jake sniffs "I'm not leaving you alone. I know what your felling in a way. It's a feeling you can't explain. And me leaving will make you feel worse" Ariana tells him.

"Can we stay here all day" he asks "of course but we do need to eat something" Ariana tells him "no yet" he holds her tighter. "Hi wont leave my your hurting me" Ariana tells Jake making him loosen his grip.

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