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"Jake how would you feel if I stared in a movie which involved me being a wife" Ariana asks "please baby please do it" Jake says making Ariana giggle "wait do you have to have sex with someone" Jake asks "no dick other that you is going up me so if i have to its a no" Ariana says climbing onto the bed and kissing his lips.

"I think it will be good for you to start acting again" he smiles "your so supportive" she smiles "duh your my wife" he rolls his eyes. "what are our too babies doing" he asks "Ellie is doing school and Mason is playing in his play pen" ariana smiles "I swear you just like to make me work because you like taking care of me when Im tired" she giggles straddling his lap to face him. "and your cute and adorable when you have a task to do" he adds kissing her lips. "stop wiggling" Jake groans "sorry" she giggles sitting still "but this isnt comfy" she pouts. "your cute" he smiles standing up holding her.

"daddy" Ellie smiles "hey beautiful" Jake smiles picking her up. "me tall" she cheers making him smile. "so what would you like" he asks "can we do something fun" Ellie asks "like what" he smiles "go buy a teddy" she giggles "why don't we all go shopping" he suggests to her "okay" Ellie nods "go tell mummy daddy wants her" he smiles making Ellie nod.

"mummy" Ellie says "yes sweetheart" Ariana smiles playing with Mason on the floor "daddy wants you" she smiles "okay princess" Ariana smiles standing up where Mason whines. Ariana giggles picking him up and taking him with her. "whats up baby" she asks.

"Ellie want to go buy a teddy bear so I suggested family shopping" Jake says "okay" she smiles "but I need to get ready" she says "I know beautiful." he smiles smacking Ariana bum making Mason giggle. Ariana rolls her eyes walking up the stairs to Masons room.

"well what a nice mess you have made for mummy to clean up" Ariana chuckles at the toys he had thrown on the floor. She placed Mason to the floor while she got him a cute outfit out before laying him on his changing mat.

"are you going to make changing time easy for mummy" she asks making him smile up to her. Ariana smiles stripping him down out of his dirty baby grow since he had only eaten about an hour ago. "oh baby boy" Ariana pouts seeing his nappy. "did you have tummy ache" she wipes him clean and puts on some cream since he had a little rash. By this point Mason was bored and wanted to crawl away. Ariana rolls her eyes pulling him back gently and kissing his tummy. "nearly done my cute boy" she looks at him lifting his bum up while she placed the nappy under him and fastening it before quickly getting him changed.

"all done" Ariana gasps making him giggle as she pulls him up to her feet. Ariana carries him through to her bedroom and placed him on the bed with some toys before getting out some jeans and a cute top out to wear. "mummy" Ellie comes into the room "yes baby" Ariana asks "can I wear this" Ellie asks "of course" Ariana nods approving her daughters look. Before getting changed entertaining her by while she did.

Jake comes into the room and smiles at Ariana playing with Mason. "your such a good mum" Jake smiles "I didn't push them out my vagina to be a shit mum" Ariana says making Mason giggle shuffling into her kissing her lips. "does someone like me moody" Ariana asks shaking her head brushing her nose over his making him laugh even more.

"you want me to leave" ariana asks "no youve seen me its okay" he rolls hie eyes before videoing her playing with Mason as his laughter fills the room.

He was so happy that Ariana was starting to feel her self and confident in her self again. He had seen her happy side again and thats what he likes to see and help her get back from time to time.

Jake smiles at the video before posting it. "morning playtimes are the best to watch and take part in 💕" he captions it tagging Ariana in the video obviously.

Jake outs his phone down and began to get changed. "we tiring you out" Ariana giggles "hopefully then he will sleep" Jake says and Ariana nods before blowing a raspberry in his stomach.

"how is he" Jake asks "sleeping like a baby" Ariana giggles getting him out the car seat trying not to wake him up. "He will stay asleep on my chest because he likes me comfort so leave the pram" Ariana says "should I just grab this incase he wakes up" he asks holding the body carrier and Ariana nods smiling to Ellie who was waiting patiently for her parents to sort her brother out.

"so Ellie do you want to get a drink or just go to build a bear" Ariana asks "urm drink" Ellie smiles and Jake and Ariana nod. Ellie takes Jakes hand making him smile as they walked into a store to buy Ellie a drink. "thats adorable how did you get him to sleep like that" Ariana hears making her turn around to see a mother trying to calm her little girl. "he was just asleep in the car and I picked him up and he stayed asleep" Ariana smiles "you have one trained baby" she smiles before Ariana followed her husband and daughter.

Jake pays before they head out. "he is the most adorable thing" Jake smiles "he really is" Ariana smiles looking down to him. "I used to like when he was a baby and used to just do this all the time" Ariana smiles gently rubbing his back trying to keep him asleep for a little bit longer since she could feel him starting to wake up.

"so what bear would you like" Ariana asks Ellie making her look around. "do they have any special ones" Ellie asks making Ariana point and Ellie go have a look at them. "can I have this one" she asks her parents who nod.

Mason wakes up and pushes off Ariana's chest gently looking around. "hi my baby" Ariana coos kissing the side of his head. "want to go to daddy" Ariana asks before Jake took him to give Ariana's arms a break. Mason looks around trying to figure out his surroundings. "why don't we get Mason a bear" Ariana suggests helping Ellie fluff her bear.

"sure" Jake smiles making Ariana pick one a fill it with stuffing. "mummy look" Ellie smiles "cute" Ariana smiles before they both go and pay for their bear. Ariana gets Masons out the box and hands it to him making him smile to his mama.

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