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~jayden pov

"I will like to create a club😏" I said while placing my paper on the front desk

"okay and who's the leader of the club?" Ms Jackie asked

"me" I said. She looked at me up and down.

"and who are you again" she asked. This ho trippin😒.

"bro you know me" I said. She looked at me.

"jayla?" She said unsure. Oh my god help me not muder this women right🙄.

"JAYDEN" i yelled. She jumped and fixed her glasses then started typing something in the computer. She looked back at me.

"last name" she asked. I sighed.

"bartels" i said. She typed some more stuff.

"okay what's the clubs name" she asked

"the outsiders" I said. She typed it in the computer.

"what's the club going to be talking about or doing" she asked

"its a lgbtq club basically its gonna be us talking about our problems and we're gonna be there for each other" I said. She typed it in the computer then looked at me.

"youre lucky you were the last club so now theres no more spots and there's only 10 other clubs to choose from" she said

"when do these clubs start" I asked

"tomorrow after school on Tuesday and Thursday only" she said. I nodded.

"igh well preciate it" I said

"have a good monday welcome back" she said with a smile

"peace" i said then left the office. I was in my volleyball uniform by the way. I met up with annie again and we walked down the hall together walking pretty slow.

"so howd it go" she asked

"it went good we were the last group so we have a club" I said with a smile. She smiled and nodded. I put my arm around her shoulders and kissed her cheek and down her neck. She stopped walking and I did too. I put her against the wall and started kissing her neck and gave her a hickey. As i kissed her neck she placed her hand on my head. I went up to her lips and started kissing her. She depended the kiss and we started making out slowly but by the second I could tell she was getting horny and I was getting horny too🤤. Ima get her pregnant one day she tryna have my kids😏😩😍🤤😌💛. I slid my hand in her pants and then broke the kiss. She bit her bottom lip while looking at me. I looked down at her pants because my hand was in there. She looked too. I slowly unzipped her pants then someone came down the hall way and I stopped. We glanced at the person then we made eye contact. She wants me but I can't fuck her now and I feel bad I just wanna make my baby happy😩💛😍.

"babyyy😩" she wined. I kissed her lips.

"I know I know baby but you'll have to wait im sorry😩" I said feeling bad for her.

"stop leading me on that shit hurts😩" she wined. I kissed her and grabbed her hand pulling her into the girls bathroom. No one was in there so I pushed her against the wall and started making out with her then we went into the stall and I just fucked her there for 15 minutes then after that we walked out like nothing happened. I took her to the music room but before I left her I kissed her.

"I'll see you chemistry class💛" I said. She blushed.

"yah, bye😊💛" she said while blushing. I smiled.

"bye💛" I said. She went inside the room and then I went to the gym. I walked in and saw sophia and mackenzie in uniform. Bitch I almost fainted😩. I walked in and slowly walked over to the team. They pulled me aside.

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