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~annie pov

I'm at carson's apartment with jayden. We're here alone right now. We've just been cuddling for the past 20 minutes. I actually just came here about an hour ago. I was at the studio releasing our new song. I have to go back in a few hours. I plan on going out with jayden and her friends and my friends to have fun but she's all lovey dovey with me. I'm wearing this outfit with my hair down its not straightened just down.

 I'm wearing this outfit with my hair down its not straightened just down

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Jayden's most likely naked under her hoodie and shorts. I'm talking no boxers and bra naked. She doesn't put on clothes when she first wakes up. She told me she's been sleeping all day. I wanna know now😏. I slid my hand in her shorts and felt no boxers or thong. I was about to take my hand out but she grabbed my arm and pushed it in farther. I started smirking.

"baby what are you doing?😏" I asked while smirking

"just feel it" she said softly with a slight smile. I felt on her pussy and it started getting wet all of a sudden. She's fucking crazy for me its cute😩😍🤤💛. I never would've thought any girl would get this wet over me🤤💛. Jaydens different and i her for that😍😩💛. She sat on my lap and i took my hand out her shorts and put both my hands on her thighs. She was just looking down at me with a slight smile. I saw her blushing a little. She tries to hide it from me because i tease her and she thinks its embarrassing. I really think its cute when she blushes its super adorable😩.

"i wanna ride your face" she said softly. I didnt say anything in the moment because she caught me by surprise. We've never done that before like ride each others face. To me I'm scared to do it personally because i dont wanna hurt her and i don't know how to sit on someone's face while they eat me out. Does she know how to?

"do you know how to ride my face?" I asked. She started feeling on her pussy while saying.

"yes ive seen how to do it" she said softly then stopped touching her pussy.

"have you done it before?" I asked

"..yah" she said softly

"with who?" I asked. She rolled her eyes.

"it doesnt matter let's just do it" she said softly

"it does matter who was it?" I asked. She tried to hover over me but I grabbed her waist and sat her back down on my lap.

"stop who was it" I asked

"a girl okay now let's do it" she said softly then tried to hover over me again but I sat her back down on my lap.

"what girl?" I asked

"I'm turned off now" she said

"i dont give a fuck who was the girl?" I asked

"some girl i had a one night stand with when i was 15" she said

"you had a one night stand and you never told me about it" I said

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