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~jayden pov

I'm on my way to pick annie up for school. Sophia has a doctor's appointment for the baby so she can't come today. Annie said she needed a ride today so i decided why not pull up.

5 minutes later..

I roll down my window and yell to her as she walks out her house.

"HURRY UP IM NOT GONNA WAIT FOREVER" I yelled then smiled. She smiled and ran over to my car and jumped through the window. She always did that dumb shit when we were best friends. We laughed as she sat up in the seat. I started driving as we drove we spoke.

"turn the ac off, it feels great today" she said while turning it off. I rolled down my window and the back windows a little bit.

"so..wheres sophia" she asked while looking at me. I glanced over at her then put my eyes back on the road.

"umm she has a doctor's appointment for her baby" I said. Annie looked at herself in the car mirror. She pulled out her phone and then looked at me.

"you wanna go live and talk to my fans with me😏" she asked while smirking. I looked at her and chuckled.

"sure but i dont look that good today" I said. She smacked her lips.

"dont say that, you look hot as always😊" she said while blushing which made me blush a little too. She set her phone up on my phone stand then hit the go live bottom. Her fans were active so a lot of them joined. I think it said 939,382 joined in like 3 minutes, thats crazy.

"can we go to starbucks" she asked me

"sure..what time is it" I asked

"lemme see your phone so i can see the time" she said. I picked it up and handed it to her.

"awwh😩" she said. I looked at her and she made the puppy dog face. I still have us as my lock screen and the date we started dating. I told you i loved this girl💛🙄😩.

"what time is it" I asked

"its 7:18 we have to be at school by 8:00" she said. She looked at her phone.

"hey guys, how are you" she said. She was reading the comments.

"are you and draco a thing? No we're just good friends and hes like my brother" she said

"who's that next to you? Oh this is..jayden😊" she said while blushing. I looked at her.

"can i have my phone back" I asked

"no i wanna take pictures wait" she said

"where's Draco? Dont know probably at school" she said

"I love the new song keep up the good work, awwh thank you" she said

"guys I'll go live again tomorrow but right now i gotta make jayden mad before we go to school" she said while looking at me

"julianna stop playing with me" I said. She giggled which made me smile.

"yah bye guys" she said then ended the live. She took her phone down and ended the live then turned it off. She picked up my phone and started spamming my camera roll. I arrived at starbucks and ordered our favorite drinks. We got them then we drove to school. We arrived and got out the car and went inside. Oh by the way im wearing this outfit.

 Oh by the way im wearing this outfit

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