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~jayden pov

I'm in the locker room and I have a huge headache. I've been stressing about the whole drug thing with Zach and kayla this shit is killing me😩. He's literally forcing me to do it😩. I looked up YouTube how to get rid of the drugs in your body and I found a way. They said to drink a lot of water and use the bathroom thats what ive been doing. Im in uniform and we're about to go to the gym. I'm sitting on the bench resting my face in my palms. Someone sat next to me.

"you good jay?" Sophia asked. I know sophia's voice. I picked up head and leaned against the locker behind me.

"no not at all" I said

"why whats wrong?" She asked

"You know who zach is right?" I asked her

"yah i know who he is, he ran away to Hollywood to hide him true self" she said

"you know that freshman kayla bryant?" I asked

"ive heard of her from you guys" she said

"that little girl told her step brother zach about me and now he's forcing me to chose between fucking his sister, doing drugs until they fuck me up in the head, or to die by his gang" I said

"what'd you chose?" She asked

"i chose the drugs, i can't leave annie I'm in love with her so much and I'm not gonna let him kill me" I said. She looked at me up and down.

"dont take those pills jayden" she said

"i have to" I said

"look me in my eyes when you're talking to me" she said. I looked her in the eyes and she looked so concerned.

"you dont have to do anything he says he's purposely trying to kill you slowly. Call the fucking police and file a report so he'll get sent to jail. The last thing I'd wanna see is you slowly dying" she said looking concerned. I looked at the ground and then nodded slowly.

"promise me you will" she said then hugged me from the side.

"i promise.." I said softly while she hugged me.


~annie pov

I'm in the music room with ashton im sitting in the studio chair while he's on the couch laying down.

"have you heard me and Draco's music lately?" I asked him

"i listen to all your music I like how you guys's voices match its so beautiful" he said

"our new song is gonna be sooo good we're probably gonna drop it in 2 weeks" I said with a smile. He smiled too.

"aye put it on asher's song one thought away that shit bump" he said with a smile. I chuckled.

"bro i just cant believe he made a song with wiz khalif" I said with a smile

"i know wiz's part goes hard so put it on" he said. I typed it in on the computer and pulled it up. I put it on.

As soon as it started playing we got up and started dancing and singing along to it. While we were dancing and singing to it I pulled out my phone and recorded us for Instagram.

"no therapy can fix what's goin on its gotta be your love that I'm runnin on aint no other explanation, I'm one thought away" we sang then started dancing. I stopped recording and captioned the video 🔥🔥🔥 @asherangel then posted it. I put my phone in my pocket and continued to dance and sing. After it was over we calmed down.

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