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~annie pov

This morning was hard as fuck. I woke up and me and Jayden's mom had a conversation about why me and Jayden are fighting and why I slept on the couch. Then Jayden came downstairs and I stopped talking and her mom said 'why did you cheat on annie again jayden' and she was really mad at Jayden. Jayden tried to explain but her mom was just going off on her ass. After that I started getting ready for school and Jayden walked pasted the downstairs bathroom and then came back and stood in the doorway just watching me. She tried to talk to me but I didn't say anything back to her. So she left me alone. She offered to drive me and I told her I was getting picked up by chase and Conner. She looked jealous as fuck. So now I'm at school and I'm with chase and Conner at breakfast. Jayden's supposed to be in practice or the locker room but she's in the cafeteria with her volleyball and some boys. I'm sitting at a table working on music with them. She's in volleyball uniform and I'm wearing black sweatpants and a white crop top tank top and my white Air Force 1s. My hair is down and my diamond ear rings are in. I really don't know why but...I have Jayden's scrunchy on my wrist. It's white. I think I thought this was mine. Or maybe I just...really miss her attention😔🥺. Jayden came over to me and I saw her. She has flowers. Roses🥰. I love those. She also has a note card.

"may i have your attention for about 5 minutes?" She asked sweetly. I nodded. At this point everyone is watching us.

"i wanna start off saying i love you. So much. You mean more than you know to me. I may make mistakes a lot and fuck up a lot but i know for sure that I don't wanna fuck up my future with you. I see us getting married one day and having kids and living in a big house in LA. What you told me last night was so true. Nobody has me like you have me and i would rather spend my life with a wife and not hoes because they wouldn't love me like you do. I'm so sorry for everything wrong I've done to you. I'm sorry for breaking your heart so many times. Ummm...i love you a lot Julianna and i mean it I'm sorry for disappointing you😭" she said then started crying. Everyone awwhed. I stood up and hugged her.

"I love you😭" she said in my arms while sobbing.

"I love you more💛" I said while hugging her. We broke the hug and I wiped her tears. I took the flowers from her.

"don't do me like that ever again stupid" I said. She chuckled then sniffled.

"i won't" she said. I saw Harvey walk in the cafeteria. I know jayden saw me looking at him. She grabbed my hand.

"no" she said

"let me talk to him" I said

"Annie seriously no" she said. I broke out of her grip and started walking over to him. I got to him and he looked down at me. He's WAYY taller than me but who cares.

"oh hey" he said

"yeah hey" I said. Jayden came and grabbed me by my waist. She wrapped her arms around my waist and picked me up.

"we're gonna leave now" Jayden said while taking me out the cafeteria. Once she put my down I pushed her.

"okay for real stop putting your hands on me" she said in a serious tone

"I need to talk to him" I said

"no you don't you're going to rip off his face" she said

"and if I do why does that matter to you?" I asked with an attitude

"Annie you're not talking to him" she said

"watch me fuckboy" I said then went back inside the cafeteria while Jayden followed behind me. I found him and walked over to him.

"why the fuck did you kiss my girlfriend last week?" I asked with an attitude

"because she let me" he said

"you let him?!" I shouted at her. She looked terrified.

"n-no i didn't" she said quickly

"yes you did" he said to her

"Harvey we were high" she said to him

"so you two got high?" I asked

"we were out and we were going to get food after getting high and that's when I recorded me kissing her but nothing happened after we just started laughing after" he said

"stay the fuck away from my girlfriend" I said to Harvey then I looked at Jayden

"and you are with me 24/7 now you're going to have to call me every 10 minutes and tell me where you're going" I said to Jayden

"you know how many people I hangout with? And I haven't cheated on you with? A lot and those are the people I hangout with. It's usually the people that I don't know who I hook up with" she said. I slapped her.

"OWW" she yelled

"shut up I've hit you harder" I said. She bit her bottom lip.

"hit me harder i like it😏" she said with a smirk

"no" I said

"grab me by my throat and choke me i like it daddy😏" she said with a smirk

"gay ass" Harvey said then Jayden started giggling. I grabbed her hand and took her out the cafeteria. I put her against the lockers and we started making out. There's kids in the hallway so yes they're seeing us kiss. Long story short me and Jayden fucked somewhere in the school and then I left that night.

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