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~annie pov

I'm at the villa with Jayden only. Her mom has to stay in Vegas for her job this weekend so she wants to be with me all weekend so I can baby her since her mom isn't here. Her mom told me that she's grounded and Jayden knows she grounded her mom told her. It's funny that she's grounded from sex too😂. Her mom told me not to give her anything she wants which includes sex for 5 days😂. She's already losing her mind. She can't be on her ps4, have sex, or go out for 5 days. All because she got high last night. So last night before her mom told me what she was grounded from we fucked for 3 hours before our flight. So she had what she wanted already but she wants it again😂. We're in my room watching a movie but she's not paying attention to it she's sitting on my lap begging me to fuck her. I'm telling her no. I'm also not really paying attention to her I'm watching the movie and that's pissing her off more😂. This movie good! I'd rather watch it than have sex.

"baaaabe please😩" she whined

"Jayden noooo" I said while looking at the tv. I felt her run her hand up my shirt and grab my titie. I jumped a little then looked at her.

"stop it babe" I said with a smile while moving her hand. She started kissing on my neck. I picked up my phone and recorded her kissing on my neck then stopped and captioned it 'always horny😂' then posted it on my story. I went live.

"Jayden stop I'm live now" I said with a smile. She stopped kissing my neck then sat up. She took my phone and I sat up in bed.

"okay guys it's only right to give you're girlfriend or boyfriend what they want right?" She asked them

"Jayden you're grounded from it" I said while giggling

"my mom isn't even here so we can still do it" she said

"no I promised her i would do as she says" I said. She rolled her eyes.

"watch the movie I'm about to go to the studio and you won't see me for a few hours" I said

"so give me what I want😩" she whined

"sexy no" I said with a smile

"please🥺" she said making the puppy face

"uuggh why do you have to be so cute😩" I whined. She smiled.

"you know that song you made with lilia" she said

"goodnight n go, yes i wrote my part about you, it's always about you💛" I said with a slight smile. She blushed and kissed me. We just looked into each other eyes.

"can you sing to me?😊" she asked while blushing

"for what?" I asked with a smile

"I want you too😩" she whined

"I have to rest my voice I have to record today and write a new song" I said

"promise me you will sing to me tonight🥺" she said softly with the sweetest face in the world

"I promise babe. Anything for you.💛" I said softly. I took my phone back and read the comments.

"awwwh y'all are cute🥺, thanks" I said with a smile. I read a comment.

"she said anything for you and I started crying😩😩, I'd do anything for her to make her happy and she does the same" I said with a smile. Jayden grabbed my throat and kissed me. She started making out with me and I broke the kiss while blushing.

"stooopp they can see us😊" I said while blushing. I read a comment.

"Jayden has no chill💀, she really dont😂" I said while laughing

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