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~annie pov

I'm with draco at the studio. We're working on a new song while sam is working on editing other artist's songs. We're wearing these outfits.

 We're wearing these outfits

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I have on my white zip up jacket

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I have on my white zip up jacket.

"so the lyrics gotta be fire as hell with this instrumental" draco said

"i got the lyrics just um..give me an idea" i said while looking him in his eyes.

"come together" he said then laid back in the chair and crossed his arms.

"i gotchu bro that's the exact two words i was looking for" i said with a smile. I grabbed the pen and started writing and draco helped me.

18 minutes later..

"well we got most of it done" he said

"yah now we have to go to the meeting with mr j right now" I said then stood up and so did he.

"I got snacks i knew you was gone ask" he said then gave me a bag of gummy worms. I chuckled and he did too. We walked out the room and went to the meeting room thats all the way down stairs but of course we took the elevator. We got there 5 minutes later. We went inside and was all the people in black suits. Its 4 of them this time and mr j and martin. They're sitting down.

"have a seat draco and annie" one lady said with a smile. I sat down next to mr j and draco sat next to me.

"so whats the meeting about?" I asked them with a smile

"its about many things so we have to get this done quick so you two wont be late for your interview with hollwire and tigerbeat" mr j said witha smile.

"oh yah" draco said

30 minutes later...

We just got out the meeting now we're walking out the record label place. We got outside and got in the limo mr j got for us because the where hollywire and tigerbeat are there's a lot of paparazzi so we have to pull up in a good looking way. I guess. I dont really know why we're in the limo but its cool. Me amd draco made Instagram videos in the limo of us doing stuff😂 and of course we posted it. It's 2:20 pm by the way.

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