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~annie pov

Today for me I'll be having so much to do. Right now I'm at a pop up meet and greet at the la mall and I'm signing fans posters and speaking and hugging them. I love them so much I wouldn't be here without them❤️. Then after this I have to go to the studio to work on a new song called 'come together' I started it kinda but we didn't get much done. We have a week to get it written and recorded then we will post it the next week. After we hit the studio we have to go to a meeting for a few minutes then we have a interview then after that it'll be like 7:30 so me and Draco will call up some friends and go out to city walk and have fun then after that me and Draco have a late night studio session for another song we are working on. It's going to be a looooooong day😪. Right now I'm wearing this outfit with my hair in a messy bun and my diamond ear rings in. I have my white jacket over it.

 I have my white jacket over it

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Draco is wearing this outfit.

Well today's gonna be something

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Well today's gonna be something.

~Jayden pov

"I dare you to touch Jayden's coochie" Lauren said to Sophia. Everyone giggled. I looked at sophia and she looked at me.

"i can't do that" Sophia said to lauren

"why too chicken?" Kianna asked with a slight smile

"I'll do it" dev said

"no it's Sophias dare and she has too" pyrm said

"yeah you have to you gave us all those extreme dares" Kenzie said

"she has a girlfriend" sophia said to Kenzie

"she shouldn't touch me she's right annie will get mad like really mad and she'll get her ass beat and so will i" I spoke up

"I don't want to get beat up so can we change the dare" Sophia said

"look sophia you don't have to do an extreme touch just grab her coochie" kianna said

"y'all finna record this shit too I already know" I said

"we got all our dares recorded and posted so her dare has to get posted too" Lauren said

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