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~annie pov

"Draco guess what!?" I said excitedly

"what" he asked

"me and jayden are good😊" I said while blushing

"that's great but as you said earlier we need to work on the song" he said. I smacked my lips.

"do we even have a song" I asked

"no" he said

"so whats to work on" I said

"I dont know why don't you asked passed annie maybe she knows" he said sarcasticly then got up and sat in the studio chair.

"woah take it easy man" I said

"im just a little tired that's all" he said

"why" I asked

"my baby brother kept me up all night" he said

"aww how old is he" i asked

"15" he said. Wait a damn minute.

"wh-i-he...okay" I said. So he calls is brother a baby and he's 15 but why did he keep him up all night....I dont even wanna think about.

"yah so i got this idea since he kept me up, I kinda got lyrics and an instrumental kinda" he said while looking through the computer to find it I guess.

"what's it sound like" I asked

"I'll sing a little of it while it uploads the audio on the computer" he said. He grabbed his guitar and started playing and singing.

"loyalty..you making it hard for me, cuz you a little caramel like i like my girls..you really need to rock my world" he sang.

"so im guessing its a love song again" I asked

"mhm" he said

"igh so should i start writing lyrics or do you wanna help" I asked

"we can work together because you know what they always say team work makes the dream work" he said then smiled. I chuckled.

"yah lets work together" i said while smiling. I pulled up a chair next to him and we got straight to work with the instrumental and lyrics so by the end of the day our song should be half way complete. LETS GET IT😈🤣.


~jayden pov

Its me, lauren, and devenity hanging out again in the gym instead of going to lunch. We're practicing tho so we good. 15 minutes later we finish and we talk a little.

"so how's things with annie" lauren asked

"its fine we got into a little argument yesterday in school and then we argued again when I was driving her home yesterday but we're fine now" I said

"what were y'all arguing about" devenity asked while smiling. Lauren smiled too.

"the first argument was because she thought i was treating her like my sex slave and then the other one was because she thinks sophia is trying get with me" I said

"I mean she is" devenity said

"damn bro she was touching you yesterday in the locker room" lauren said

"okay she can do that but she'll never be mine" I said. Coach came in.

"girls come I need you to do me a favor again" coach said. We ran over to her.

"I need you to go to the cafeteria and get the milk that's by the lunch line and bring it here, its for you girls to drink after practice" coach said

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