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~jayden pov

I woke up to annie kissing my neck. She's in a thong and a bra. Wha-where is her clothes and what happened last night😳.

"okay babe seriously stop" I said in my tired voice. She didnt stop so i grabbed her by her throat pushing her away from me. I let go of her throat.

"what happened last night?" I asked in my tired voice. I saw her go crazy inside😏😍.

"we fucked like 3 times in a row and i woke super horny for you for some reason so can i ride your dick really quick" she said. Whoa😂. She wild😊.

"i dont even remember us fucking" I said

"thats because you drunk but im not gonna get mad you didnt know what you were drinking last night" she said

"you have 4 hickeys on your neck and 2 on your thighs by me?" I asked

"yes who else" she said

"okay i dont even wanna talk about this because i don't do this to you i wouldn't give you hickeys on your thighs and your mom told me thats one place i better not ever reach" I said. She chuckled softly then bit her bottom lip.

"she doesn't know about any of the stuff we do alone" she said then we started making out. Jayden pull away. You have school and practice soon. But it feels so good😩. Snap out of it woman! Break the kiss. I pushed her away gently and she looked at me.

"whats wrong?" She asked

"i have to pee" I said while sitting up. She got off of me.

"well we should get ready now we have school in a few minutes" she said. Thank god😌.

"great! Lets go shower..like now" i said then grabbed her hand pulling her out of bed with me.


We arrived at school. Im walking annie to the music room. I have 5 hickeys on my neck because of her. I was so glad she didn't give me hickeys any where else. I dropped her off at the music room then went to the locker room. As soon as i walked in they all looked at me.

"damn all them hickeys" pyrm said

"y'all must have had fun with each other last night" kianna said with a slight smile

"guys i was drunk last night i dont know how but according to annie i was drinking out of my dads bottle and i thought it was water and then we ended up fucking 3 times" I said

"that doesnt even sound like you, you would never fuck someone 3 times in one day" sophia said

"she hits it like once or twice right?" Kianna asked them

"yah" Dev said

"but if she horny she'll do it longer" lauren said

"shut up Lauren" I said. She smiled

"welp get ready for practice we have a game friday night" Lauren said with a smile

"we need you spiker" kianna said with a smile

"igh ill get dressed y'all can go ahead to the gym I'll be in there in about 10 minutes" I said

"ight see ya in a few" dev said with a smile then hugged me and then they left. I went to my locker and started getting dressed in uniform.


~annie pov

I'm in the music room working on music by myself. My solo is done I just need to record it. I made it based off of caleb because ive been missing him a lot recently. I haven't told anyone but ever night i just can't help but to think about him😩❤. Me and draco havent finished our song eyes off of you yet but when i get back on Thursday we're recording our solos then we'll finish our song. It'll be released soon. I'm playing my instrumental for my solo and singing along to it.

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