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~annie pov

I'm at jayden's house with her. She didnt wanna go to school so im not going of course not. Her parents are at work so we're home alone. Aka im home alone with this sexy ass girl, who the fuck wouldnt fuck her right now😩😍🤤💛. We're wearing these outfits.

 We're wearing these outfits

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She's in bed with me playing fortnite instead of giving me attention🙄

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She's in bed with me playing fortnite instead of giving me attention🙄. I crawled over to jayden and kissed her neck from behind. Maddie texted me so I stopped and read her message. I chuckled and jayden looked at me.

"what are you laughing at" she asked. So all I gotta do is laugh to get her attention? Bull shit.

"maddie" i said. She paused the game and turned her whole body to face me.

"who" she asked in a serious tone. I smiled because she was over reacting. And weren't even together.

"maddie" i said while smiling. She snatched my phone out my hand and i slapped her on the face.

"julianna stop fucking playing with me" she said in a serious tone. She went through my phone.

"who is this bitch and why is she worrying about us" she asked

"what the fuck is wrong with you, are you on your period or something" I asked

"no im just frustrated, who is she" she asked

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