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Saturday - December 20th ☃️🎄

~Jayden pov

Me and Zane are our at a café eating breakfast and having hot chocolate. Everyone in the café either thinks we are dating or we like each other. It's the elderly who think that because there is literally only elderly people here. It's 10 am no teens would be here this early. Zane is wearing black shorts with a white t shirt and his Jordan's. I'm wearing his green hoodie because I got cold😂 and gray sweatpants. I have so many gray sweatpants I don't know why😂. I have my white Air Force 1s on and my hair is straightened and part in the middle. Damn. Zanes hoodie is oversized on me I look like a 3 year old in a mans hoodie😂. Zanes been making me laugh all morning and I honestly hate him for that. He's hurting my stomach because I'm laughing so much🙄😂. I pulled out my phone and started recording him. He smiled at the camera.

"hold my hand" I said from behind the camera. He held it and looked at me.

"first date kinda nervous" I said with a smile then we started laughing so hard😂. I stopped recording him and captioned it 'morning vibes with ur fav crackheads😂💚 @zanecarter' then I posted it.

"we gotta go before they kick us out😂" Zane said while laughing which made me laugh harder. We are being EXTREMELY loud and all the old people just staring at us😂😂😂. We got up and left the place. We started walking down the side walk. I felt Zane grab my hand. I looked at him like he was crazy then I saw him recording and I started smiling and he laughed.

"nevermind daddy I'll hold your hand🥰" I said

"oh hell nahhh😂" he said while laughing and letting go of my hand then he stopped recording. I watched him post the video. He captioned it 'she gay as fuck for that😂 @jaydenbartles' I'm dead😂. I recorded myself.

"guys I don't know why I even bothered going out with this tree today I mean he's not offering any shade at all" I said with a smile while Zane was being stupid in the background.

"I got yo shade. You look like a muthafuckin leprechaun bitch" he said then started smiling and I chuckled.

"it's your hoodie so" I said with a smile

"yeah but you're short and you're wearing green so you would still look like a leprechaun in it" Zane said with a smile. I rolled my eyes with a smile then posted it on my story. We eventually got to his car and got inside and started driving to Lauren's house.

~annie pov

I'm at tour practice with everyone. I'm on tour Jacob, Draco, Lilia, Anna, Christian, Johnny, and this kid named alessio. I don't know alessio as a person all I know is that he makes music and he's a good sing. He's an up coming artist kinda like how me and Draco were when we first started. Alessio looks like this and is wearing this outfit.

 Alessio looks like this and is wearing this outfit

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I follow him on Instagram now and he follows me. He's a sweet kid. He's 17 but I thought he was like 15😂. He's also very funny this kid be having me crying😂 Jayden would love him. Speaking of Jayden I know her and Zane are hanging out and I know I seen everything they did together on their story's. To be honest I don't care what her and Zane do because I know that Zane wouldn't fuck her and if he ever does it'll be Jayden's fault not his. So like I trust him with her he's the ONLY boy I trust with her. him and Diego I trust with her. Diego's gay so like he wouldn't try anything. Me and Zane should get closer. Become friends so that we can all be close. YOOOO I should do a cheating prank on her with zane😂. She would be so heart broken though. But it's for the content right😂. She has hurt me too in these pranks. So don't y'all get mad at me. She'll be here in a few minutes to watch us finish rehearsal then after this I have to go home and pack up my shit and bring it to the villa. And then the rest of the day I'm free. I wanna go out and hangout with Jayden again.

After rehearsal...

Carson's apartment...

~Jayden pov

We're back from a long day. I'm hanging out with Zane, dev, Diego,Kianna, and Lauren. Annie's here too. Carson's making dinner for us and my mom is helping them. They keep talking to her being retarded. Oh and annie bought onesies for me and her. It's dog onesies. I'm not a fan of onesies but she's going to make me put it on. We have rusky here with us. I haven't spoken about him because he's been going through a hard time lately😩. He got sick and we had to take him to the vet and they told us he had some deadly disease. So he kept throwing up and getting smaller and smaller by the day for like half a week but then he got better THANK GOD because I was going to cry if he died🥺. He's better now and healthy and he's back to normal we just have to keep an eye out on him. My mom has been taking care of him for me even though it's my dog. I've been focused on other shit. I should've been taking care of him and being there for him like I am there for annie and everyone else😔. He deserves my attention too. Diego and Zane are playing with him right now and he looks so happy I could cry😩. Annie's over there with Zane and she's talking to him. I don't know why they keep staring at me being weirdos🤨.

"mommy can I get a tattoo?" I asked her. Kianna choked and dev started laughing and so did Lauren. Man they always laughing at me like for what😂?

"a tattoo of what?" She asked

"I wanted to get mike's birthday on my wrist I've always wanted it ever since...you know" I said. Kianna, Dev, and Lauren just looked at me in concern. Kianna hugged me.

"oh...sweetie umm...i...you can but i think you're a little too young for one" my mom said looking sad. Carson looked at my mom.

"who's mike?" Carson asked. My team knows about mike and of course my family knows about him and annie knows about him she used to be close to him just like I was close to Caleb. Mike was my little brother😔 he died when he was 5...he got hit by a car when he was playing outside with his friend Malik😩. Man I loved him so much he was my number one priority🥺💔.

"mike was my little brother who died when he was 5😔" I said softly feeling sad

"Michael?" Carson asked softly with concern in his eyes. I nodded. A tear ran down my cheek. My mom looked like she was about to cry. Carson let tears drop too. I don't know why he was sad. I don't know if he knew him. Dev Kianna and Lauren were crying too.

"did you know him?" I asked Carson while my voice broke

"i was the one who was trying to save him after he got hit... the poor little guy was bleeding so badly and crying... his last words were I don't want to die😭" Carson said while tears ran down his face. I started crying and I all of a sudden couldn't breathe. I started hyperventilating and shaking. My baby brother nooooooo😭. My mom and annie came over to me.

"wait baby what's wrong?" Annie asked me with concern in her eyes.

"she's having a panic attack" Lauren said

"why?" Annie asked

"we were talking about her brother mike" Carson said while wiping off his tears.

~annie pov

mike😔💔. I looked at Jayden and grabbed her hand helping her out the chair.

"it'll be okay baby just walk" I said to her. She nodded. I wiped her tears and then kissed her. She put her hands above her head and started walking. She soon calmed down and we ate dinner in silence for a few minutes but then we started talking about happy things and I think Jayden kinda forgot about the whole..mike situation because she was laughing and smiling but I know she hides so much pain inside and nobody would even know she was hurting because she hides it so well🥺💛. She's so strong and she's honestly my inspiration. She's always happy and makes others happy but she's not happy deep deep down😩😔💛. I wanna make her happy tonight. After dinner everyone left and me and Jayden went out to get milkshakes and we walked around the town for a little and just spoke to each other. We had to hide from paparazzi so it wasn't easy being able to speak to her which out being seen. We still spoke to each other and we didn't talk about mike we spoke about tour and how she's doing in school and how she's feeling. She didn't open up at all I thought she would but she didn't. So I dropped her off at Carson's apartment and I kissed her goodbye before driving home. I have to get her to speak to me about this.

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