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~annie pov

Fuck jayden bruh😩. Ion need her ass at all😩💔. She did that shit to me on purpose ive shouldve known she's always been so close to dev😞. I was just being played this whole time💔😭. Ive been crying about this all morning. Ive been ignoring her. She can keep blowing up my phone I'm not gonna answer her ass. I'm done with her. I'm with anna lilia and draco at the studio. Because i wrote this song about her this morning and i just wanted to hop in the studio and sing it for our ep. Sam started recording me sing in the studio.

"in my head, she said its all in my head, my head---" I started singing.

3 minutes later..

I came out the studio and they clapped. I gave them a sad look and they slowly stopped clapping. I went over and grabbed my backpack.

"lets go im ready to go cry again" I said softly while putting on my backpack

"when do you wanna drop it?" Sam asked

"today, right now, asap" I said

"i gotchu" he said

"let's go or im calling an uber" i told draco, anna, and lilia. They got up and they followed behind me. We walked out and got in the car. I dont know why but I'm just so numb right now. I was just..so in love with her💔😩. As draco was driving i spoke to him. Hes in the drivers seat im in the passengers seat. Anna and lilia are in the back.

"im burning jayden's stuff all of it" I said with an attitude

"dont do that-" he said until I cut him off

"why shouldnt i?! She broke my heart!" I shouted

"did you ever think that she couldve been on drugs and it was a mistake?" Lilia asked

"yah because jayden doesnt seem like the type of person to cheat" anna added on

"her bitch ass is a hoe she cheats on everyone she's with so fuck her" I said

"..I'm with anna on this one, she doesn't seem like the person who cheats on people and especially not on you like y'all be together for 7 almost 8 months and she's been very loyal to you and committed to you when y'all were apart and in the video she looked wasted like as fuck" draco said

"exactly" lilia said

"what you guys are saying might be true but i want her to apologize to me and mean it" I said

"uh oh" anna said

"what?" Me draco and lilia said

"jayden tweeted something a few minutes ago" anna said

"what'd she say?" Draco asked

"please dont read it" I said

"read it" lilia said

"she don't deserve my love so im giving it to someone else now" anna read. Im gonna😡-

"FUCK THAT BITCH SHE AINT SHIT BRUH" i yelled. Everyone got quiet for a few seconds before saying anything.

"so she bold bold out here" draco said

~jayden pov

Everyone is upset with me. As in everyone i mean my whole volleyball team. Except devenity. I really fucked up big time and it really hurts😩. After the weed wore off last night i realized that everyone on social media were talking about us. Holly wire, TMZ, and the fandoms. Im not even lie about this but me and dev fucked last night in my car but i was high i wasnt thinking. She asked for it and I'm nonchalant when I'm high so I was like sure thats why it happened. Nobody knows we did but us and we feel really awkward around each other. She can't even look me in the eyes the same. I feel guilty as fuck. I just want annie back bro😩💛. Im in the locker room getting dressed for second period. After I got dressed I put on perfume and fixed my middle part. I'm wearing this outfit.

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