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~jayden pov

Its 4:12 pm and I'm just laying in my bed bored as shit then all of a sudden i get a facetime from lauren. I answered.


"whats up laur?" I said

"guess what?" She said with a smile

"what?" I asked

"I'm in la for the weekend" lauren said with a smile

"bro no way! Where are you right now?" I asked her

"I'm at our la house..lemme guess you want me to come scoop you?" She asked with a smile

"oh please come scoop me😩" I begged. She giggled and I did too.

"yah jay I'll come get you see you in 20" she said with a smile

"k bye love you" i said with a smile

"bye love you too" she said with a smile then hung up.

End of facetime

I jumped out of bed and ran to get dressed. Ive never been more excited to go somewhere in my entire life.

~annie pov

So me, draco, john, lilia, and will are out doing a live interview at this singers convention. We're about to go on stage in a minute right now mr j and our managers are talking to us. Martin is talking to me and draco. Im wearing this outfit with my hair straightened.

 Im wearing this outfit with my hair straightened

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Draco's wearing this outfit.

Draco's wearing this outfit

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John's wearing this outfit.

John's wearing this outfit

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