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~jayden pov

"our last 4 days of junior year guys, its been crazy" kianna said while smiling.

"..remember the first day of school and we didnt know each others names so we would be like aye girl over here" pyrm said then we started giggling

"remember when we got so crazy over to Senior boys at the beginning of school" lauren said while smiling.

"yah id be like, there go armani then he walks past us and we be like, why he so fineeee" I said then we started giggling.

"aye bro remember when jayden sucked dick for the first time this year😏" mads said while smirking. They gasped and I blushed.

"bruh nahh😊" i said while blushing.

"that bitch came in the next day all happy and shit we asked why you so happy and this hoe say I SUCKED ARMANI'S DICK" devenity said while smiling then they busted out laughing. I blushed and giggled.

"sksksksksksksk😂" kianna laughed and we all started laughing 10 times harder😂😂😂.

"KIANNA STOP BRO😂" devenity yelled while laughing. I started choking because it was waaaay too funny😂. We all calmed down 2 minutes later then we got back to talking.

"remember when kianna first gotta mans this year" I said while smiling. Kianna looked at me with a straight face.

"cough cough draco cough cou-" pyrm said until kianna grabbed her by her throat and pulled her down to her lap.

"AHH" pyrm yelled and we started laughing😂.

"kianna gimme a hug" I said while smiling. She let go of pyrm and looked at me. I went over to her and laid in between her legs. She put her hands on my stomach.

"jayden why you smell good?" Kianna asked.

"is she supposed to smell bad or something?" Sophia asked with a smile then we started giggling.

"no like this perfume she wearing smells really good" kianna said.

"oh thats annie's perfume she was hugging me this morning" I said while chewing my mouth guard.

"aww jayden" kianna said. She grabbed my cheek and pinched it. I slapped her hand off of my face and smiled.

"that shit hurts dont do that" i said.

"guys😏" devenity said while smirking. They all looked at each other while smirking then sophia said.

"get her!" Sophia shouted then they came over to me and kissed my face all over. I hate this shit.

"guys stop im not a baby" I said with a straight face. They stopped and I sat up and looked at kianna.

"kianna you just gonna allow this" I said

"i kissed your face too tf" kianna said. I stood up and someone smacked my ass. I turned around and they all looked away.

"which one of y'all hit me" I asked. They started chuckling then devenity said.

"it was me" Dev said with a smile

"its because you're thick" kianna said while standing up.

"y'all are gay" I said while smiling.

"gay for you- nah I'm just playing" devenity said then started giggling and they did too. I went to get a volleyball and came back over to them.

"one last game before we leave?" I asked them. They all stood up.

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